Embers plans part 2

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okay so this is part 2 to Embers plans. i think there will be atleast 3 to 4 parts of Embers plans. 

sorry for any mistakes :P

i hope you enjoy this chapter :*

 “ I have killed 20 people” I said looking down at the table Hunters hand edged closer to mine. He interlocked his hand mine and squeezed in reassuringly, I looked up from the table and gave him a fake smile. He knows now, he knows I’m a murderer. “Ember. Its okay I have killed people as well” I sighed “Hunter you will think differently of me now. That’s why I have never told anyone..... not even Lucy”. He squeezed my hand tighter and said “Ember how can I judge you? I have done the same thing with more people”. I guess so I mean it would make him a hypocrite if he judged me when he does the same as me. “Ember are you still involved?” Hunter asked during the silence. I thought was I still involved I did move country but they want me back and they are in America right now. They know where I live for Christ sake. “I'm not sure. They're looking for me they want me back in England because I was there best” I said honestly, not to blow my own trumpet or anything but they did say that I was there best. “so they're looking for you?” Hunter stated “yeah, pretty much but I can handle myself they know not to mess with me”.

Hunter was looking directly into my eyes like he was searching for something, I could guess that he was looking for any emotion. When you have seen the things I have seen your emotions start to disappear and up being replaced with hate. All my love for my parents turned to hate, they left me all the time they even missed my birthdays. Any ounce of love I had for them has slowly disappeared over the years getting replaced with hate. The people I killed I feel nothing for, I use to at the beginning of it all what can I say I was just a 15 year old girl when they started sending me out with the men to kill. Any love that my heart once had is now cold and lost.

“If we are going to do my plans we have to leave now” I said to Hunter bringing his lost gaze from my eyes. “yeah....yeah sure umm I just got to umm use the loo”. Well he is acting strange “yeah sure. I will be in my car waiting”.

I got out of my seat and grabbed the left over drink and walked out of Starbucks towards my car. When my car came into sight I saw yet another piece of paper on the wind shield. I grabbed the piece of paper and opened it to find that I have got a parking ticket. “are you fucking kidding me” I said to the road when I noticed where I had parked. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the car door and slid into the car waiting for Hunter to get out of the bathroom.

Whilst I was waiting for Hunter I paid the stupid fine over the phone using my credit card. My parents probably wont approve of me getting a fine. Hunter has been a while like 15 minuets maybe he has a bad stomach of something.

Hunters pov

I was now sat in the male bathrooms on the phone to some of my workers finding some information out about the mysterious girl who had killed some of the gang whilst in England. From what I heard when the gang went to England some gang with a girl in had attacked my gang and killed 5 of my men. My main information finder zak was looking up about this girl right now.

I have been waiting for 10 minuets Ember might think I have left her. When I was looking into her eyes all I could see was darkness like there was no spark in her life. I guess like mine, my parents are dead my best friend is dead and everyone is afraid of me. In so kinda weird way I’m glad she moved to America because she is the only person he speaks to me minus my gang they have to listen.

Zak bought me out of my thoughts when he said “ I’m sorry boss but its going to take a while to find out about the girl” I sighed “why is it taking so long” I demanded down the phone. “well who ever this girl is she is pretty good at covering her tracks”. A clever girl I see “fine. Well whatever find out as much as possible and even who she is and phone me straight away got it?” there was a pause down the phone so I repeated “got it” in a harsher tone “yeah...uh yeah I do I will do it as quickly as possible” Zak said in a quick and scared voice.

I hung up on Zak and headed outside. Now to explain to Ember why I was so late, I wasn’t going to tell her that I was looking up a girl who had killed my men that would make her think I don’t trust her.

When I got to her car I saw her shaking her head at me I smirked at her and got into the car “hey what took you so long?” she asked “i felt a bit sick so I just waited to make sure” when I had told her that she looked deep into my eyes. I have a feeling she knows I am lying but she didn’t care. “right okay whatever. But its time for my plans now” she said in her sexy English accent. I love taking to her because of her response I love it how it sound posh but she doesn’t try and make it.”yeah okay what are they?”

Embers pov

“yeah what are they?” he asked. I pushed the key into the ignition and said “wait and see” with that said I put the car in forward and drove off the side of the road and towards the place I found the other day.


I have been driving for about half an hour now heading towards the warehouse. Hunter had asked numerous questions such as “are you kidnapping me?” and “if you are going to kill me do it now please” I laughed at the last one.

It was around 1:00 a clock in the afternoon and the sun was at its hottest I regret wearing grey joggers they are quite thick.

I was turning into the warehouse when Hunter said “ right your defiantly killing me” I laughed “no you idiot we're breaking in here I want to do something”. Luckily there was no cameras around this place because very few people came here and they mostly came in the evenings anyway to practise.

I parked the car nearest the exit of the warehouse as if someone were to come we could escape easily. Hunter gave me a questioning look when I got out of the car and headed for the side of the warehouse but he followed me.

I got to the side of the building and spotted the window that I had noticed that was impossible to close as it was broke so it was an easy route inside and back out. The only problem was I would have to climb up a few bins and onto the air con pipe to get to it. Well I better start my journey now.

I walked over to the large green bin and pulled myself on top of it with ease. It's great when you have been in a gang because it keeps you fit and you're more agile. I stood up on top of the bin and said to Hunter “follow me in okay?” he nodded and started to climb on the bin. I walked across the bins and towards to large metal pipe which was the air con. I grabbed on to the pipe and gripped it tight with my arms and legs and started to shimmy up the pipe. I could feel the cold metal on my bare stomach the coldness cooled me down but also gave me the shivers.

Once I had reached the open window I quickly let go of the pipe and reached for the window and grabbed the side. I pushed myself up through the window and saw what I was looking for. I raised one leg and brought it threw the window and the same with the other lowering myself a little bit before I jump down into the pit.

Once I had landed safely into the pit I looked up to see Hunter with a confused look on his face he carried on anyway. He used the same technique as me and landed safely next to me. “Ember why are we at a …....

woooooooooo another cliff hanger

i shall proably update soon and i hope you enjoyed this chapter :P 

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