First day of school part 2

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wooo ahah okay so this is part 2 of first day of school im thinking there is going to be around 4 parts to this chapter  so anyway i think this chapter is longer than usual and im probably going to update again tonight as i have no homework wooooo :P

so anyway enjoy this part of the story :D 

I looked down at the sheet of paper she gave me which I had my locker number on and my classes. I looked down the piece of paper my lessons for today where






-food class




ughh I have p.e twice in one day this is going to be fun note the sarcasm

I walked towards the A building which had my locker in it. I guess the school was nice... when no one is around. Right now I’m late to p.e but I’m not bothered, I hate p.e. I walked into the A building and walked down the corridors to find my locker. During my walk towards my locker you could see all the students learning. It was pretty funny because even in class rooms you still could see all the cliché's. The nerds at the front, the “normal” people in the middle and the popular's and slutty cheerleaders at the back of the class room. To be honest I couldnt care less where I sat and I would sit where I want to.

I finally found my locker at the end of the hall right by the stairs and behind those stairs was a couple making out. I wasn’t even bothered I'm going to have to get use to it, seeing as its like a main make out spot in schools they did it at my old school... I may have done it a few times. I opened my locker and putting my jacket in there, it was really hot today. Good thing I’m wearing shorts and a crop top. I slammed my locker shut and started to walk to p.e. Ughh I hate that lesson so much. Its not that I’m not good at it, I just don’t like doing it. In my old school they would make me run for county because I was a good runner, I just hope we are not doing running now.

I walked across the school to the sports field to find a group of people in sports clothes. I guess that’s my lesson. I walked up to the teacher and tapped him on the shoulder. “hi I’m the new girl” he looked me up and down and smiled “well hello, Ember is it?” he smiled, I nodded a yes “well Ember we are doing track today. So please go get changed into some sports clothes”. Just the thing I didn’t want to do.

I walked into the changing room grabbing my black tight running shorts with a white baggy top. I pulled off my clothes I was wearing replacing them with my sports clothes. I pulled on my Nike running shoes which were purple. I put all of my clothes inside of my bag and left it in the changing room. I walked out of the changing room towards the field. All of the people were getting ready doing stretches I sighed and walked over to the coach. He smiled at me and looked me up and down again and smirked. This guy was really creepy he was like 40. “ahh yes Ember you're here. Right we can all start now do some stretches please” I smiled and turned around and walked behind a group of guys who were really tall to shield me from the creep.

I had finished doing my stretches when coach shouted “Right now everyone line up on the track, and when I blow the whistle I want you to see how many laps you can do before getting tied” I groaned. My old school use to do this and I was able to get like 14 times around until I couldn’t breath properly any more. Coach suddenly added “Now do any of you think you can beat the record set my drake of getting 14 laps around” I smirked and thought to myself of course I can beat him that was easy.

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