Tour de Brighton

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wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo okay so i need 3 more votes then i got 200! which is fabulous (to me anyway seeing as it is my first book). ive also got over 2400 views so thats even more fabulous 

sorrry for anyy mistakess :*

enjoy this chapter

P.s i've never actaully been to Brighton.... even tho i live in England but yeah so i kinda have to google places so there probably wont be a lot of places in the England chapters 


 The sun was rising over the sea Hunter and I had spent all night here just talking and looking into the night sky but It was truly amazing to see the sun rise over the ocean. Today I was going to take Hunter on a tour round Brighton and show him all my favourite places and take him to the shops he wanted to go yesterday.

Luckily last night wasn't as cold as other nights so we didn't need to leave the beach and we had each other to keep warm so that’s a plus side. I sat up from the stones and looked down at Hunter “ morning” he smiled and sat up as well “ morning to you too” I smiled and kissed him on the lips “ I'm taking you round Brighton today” he grinned widely “ we got to go in the places I said yesterday” I rolled my eyes “ of course but we need food so lets go” I got up from the stones and stretched my muscles out, Hunter did the same and grabbed my hand. I led him off the beach and walked towards a café that I knew was open at 6:00 in the morning it was called Angie's and they did amazing food and it was cheap. ( I made that up sorrry)

we walked down the paths of Brighton seeing the occasional person walking to work or walking there dogs. Just down the road was Angie's café, I picked up the pace of my walk and walked faster down the road to the café I am insanely hungry right now and I need food.

I pushed open the door to Angie's and walked to one of the cute little tables by the widow, Hunter pulled the chair out in front of me and sat down and grabbed one of the menu's just like me. I looked down the menu and everything sounded so good, they had pancakes, the full English everything that I missed basically. I looked up at Hunter and saw that he was struggling to pick food again “Hunter have the same as me okay?” he just smiled and put the menu down and I looked back down at the menu. I decided that I was going to have the full English and pancakes... I'm hungry okay.

I got up from my seat and walked to the counter and ordered the food and drinks, I went back over to our table and sat down “ what did you get me?” I smirked “you will have to wait and see” Hunter groaned and crossed his arms over “ for a gang leader you are very childish” he laughed “ only around you babe” I laughed “so what are you going to do when I'm around you and Axe?” he silenced and I just burst out laughing. Luckily no one else was in the café apart from the workers.

The lady bought our drinks over I had a coffee and I got Hunter a hot chocolate as he doesn’t like coffee or tea. I bought the cup up to my lips and blew gently on the drink cooling it down before taking a sip on the hot drink “Ember how did you know I hate coffee and tea?” Hunter said after I took a sip of my drink, I shrugged “ every time you are around mine you don’t drink tea or coffee” he smiled “ you noticed that?” I smiled “yeah you are my boyfriend” he smiled and took a massive gulp on his hot chocolate “ didn't that burn?” he shook his head no and took another large gulp.

The lady bought our food over and put it down in front of us “ 2 Full English and 2 plates of pancakes” I smiled “yeah”. I grabbed my fork and started to eat straight away, oh how I have missed Angie's café’s food, I stuffed a mouthful of beans in my mouth and moaned in happiness I swallowed the food “ this is so good, I have missed this places cooking” Hunter lifted his head from the plate and smiled widely at me “this is really good I would eat this every weekend” I laughed at ate more of my food.

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