what the hell?

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wooo okay so a new part 

okay this is got more drama in and i think its longer :P

sorry for mistakes and shizz 

enjoy :*

The next morning I woke with Hunters arm wrapped around my waist an my face against his warm chest. I stretched out my muscles which made Hunter pull his arm away and stretch as well.

“Morning Ember” Hunter said in a husky morning voice which was …. wow. “Morning Hunter”. Hunter was about to say something but his phone started to ring he gave me an apologetic look and grabbed his phone.

Hunters pov

I answered my phone and Zak was at the other end. “hey boss I found some information about that girl” he said down the phone. I looked over at Ember and gave her an apologetic look and walked out of the apartment and down to the car, I didn’t want her thinking I was researching her. “okay, go ahead tell me” I said down the phone to Zak.

“well okay the girl is named Ember and..” “did you say Ember?” he didn’t just say Ember did he?. “yes boss Ember her parents are very rich and are never round and she is part of our rival gang. But this girls parents moved away taking Ember with them and now the gang is looking for her and they are very angry with her as she didn't tell them she was leaving she just left, they may even kill her”.

They will kill Ember the last person who left got killed as well. Wait that means Ember killed my men in England, she killed MY men.” okay zak” I hung up on him and walked back up to the apartment. Ember cants stay.

Embers Pov

I looked out the window and saw Hunter coming back back into the apartment and he doesn’t look happy, I wonder what that person said to him on the phone.

Whilst he was gone I got dressed and put my stuff back in my bag ready to leave. Suddenly Hunter burst in through the door with an angry look on his face. “GET OUT!” he screamed at me “WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING AT ME?” I screamed back how dare he speak to me like this. “YOU ARE A BITCH GET THE FUCK OUT NOW”. Who does he think he is “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU” I screamed back. I grabbed my bag and walked up to him “I knew it was to fucking good to be true to actually meet someone who fucking understands me” I said and walked out of his apartment.

I pulled open the car door throwing my bag into the back seat and slid into the car. “who the fuck does he think he is talking to me like that” I said, he makes me so angry I new I shouldn’t of sop to him I shouldn’t of told him anything about me. This is all my fucking fault. I raised my hands and started to hit the steering wheel making the horn go on off.

I need to get out of the shit hole, I pushed the key into the ignition and sped off towards my house. I was speeding down the free way when I heard police sirens behind me. I carried on speeding then realizing they want me to pull over. I pulled over into the nearest lay by and waited for the cops to come up to my window.

The police officer walked up to my window and tapped on it telling me to role it down. I rolled it down and he spoke saying “ma'am do you realize how fast you were going?” I looked up at him “yes, yes I did and I’m really not in the mood for talk so can you fine me and let me go?”. I asked in a bored tone “ma'am I need to see your licence”. I got my licence out of my bag and gave it to him he looked over it and nodded handing back to me. “right ma'am I’m going to fine you $1000 as you were going 120mph” I nodded and took the ticket “if I catch you again I will add points to your licence “ I said okay and he walked off back to his car.

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