Luna's POV

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The couple of days later, I walk down the stairs in Brendon's shirt and go into the kitchen. I still couldn't believe he actually asked me to marry him. I'd been waiting for the day I would get engaged since I was a little girl. To be quite honest, I still had the engagement ring that Zayn had given me, he'd never asked for it back so I just decided to keep it. I'd made sure Brendon was okay with it, and he was. I honestly wasn't sure what I would do without him.

"Get your ass out of my way!" I whine as I try to get past Brendon to get some coffee, he has his back to me and I hear him laugh.

"Nah." He says.

"Swish swish bish." I raise an eyebrow and he rolls his eyes.

"You're seriously quoting your own song?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Shhh, someone could be listening!" I giggle.

"Oh no! Hey, everyone! Luna's new single is called Swish Swish and it features Nicki Minaj!" He yells out and I hit him playfully and he just grins. "No one can hear me anyway."

"It comes out in two weeks." I tell him and he grins.

"That means I can buy it on iTunes, and stream it on Spotify for the rest of my life!" He grins and I can't help but smile. He's actually helped me write a few songs for my next album, he'd written one with me for the last one as well. The thing I loved about Brendon was that he supported me, one hundred perfect. He encouraged me to pursue my dreams. He loved every song I wrote, every song I played for him. He, besides my producing team, had heard all the songs I had recorded.

When I'd told everyone right before my first single, It Ain't Me, came out, everyone was a bit shocked I'd decided to go off on my own and pursue a music career, instead of an acting career, but truth was, I could do both. They all jumped on board pretty quick. They all sang and danced with me when I had my album release party and it was a shock to see how many people actually loved me. I'd released It Ain't Me, Scared To Be Lonely, Nobody Like You, Eyes Closed and Last Dance.

I'd actually convinced Brendon to be in the music video for Nobody Like You, and then for It Ain't Me Zayn was in the music video. As soon as he heard the song he knew exactly who it was about but he understood. We all write from personal experiences, and then he suggested he could maybe be in the music video and I agreed. It was quite weird doing a music video with my ex-boyfriend, but the awkwardness disappeared pretty quickly, and now we're friends. Brendon and Zayn still don't like each other, but they tolerate each other. 

Zayn was now dating model, Gigi Hadid, who I so happened used to be best friends with, and now, now we're not. I didn't think it was right that she was dating one of her best friends ex-boyfriends. So, I tolerated her just as much as Brendon tolerated Zayn. 

"Seriously, just because you're my boy- I mean, fiance, doesn't mean you have to listen to my music on repeat." I giggle and he leans down and kisses me.

"Shut the fuck up, I will listen to the best music ever, aka, your music on repeat because it's purely fucking amazing. I'm not just saying that because I'm engaged to you, it really is amazing, Luna, you're amazing." He smiles softly at me and I can't help but smile back. "Oh, and also."

"Also what?" I ask as he cups my face gently and kisses me again.

"I really do think you should put Crying In The Club on your new album." Brendon tells me with a smirk.

"Yeah, maybe." I shrug and he just rolls his eyes at me.


A couple of hours later I arrive at a all too familiar doorstep with Rain and I knock on the door. Next minute it opens and Rain smiles brightly.

"Daddy!" She giggles, reaching up and Zayn bends down and picks her up.

"My ladybug!" He smiles brightly. "Hey, Luna!"

"Hey." I smile softly.

"I've seen all the articles about you and Brendon the past couple of days, and I just want to say congratulations on your engagement." Zayn tells me.

"Thank you!" I say brightly.

"You're welcome! I'm glad you're happy, I really am." He tells me, and I know he's telling me the truth.

"Thank you, it means a lot." I smile. "Anyway, I better go, I have a meeting with my manager before I go to the studio."

"Alright, well, I'll see you later." He nods his head and I give Rain a quick kiss on the cheek. "Oh, before you go."

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You know how you sent me the audio of Crying In The Club?" He asks, looking at me and I nod. "I think you should really put it on your next album. It's an amazing song, Luna, I know you're not entirely sure about it, but I think it'd be an amazing song to put out, and maybe even make a single."

"Brendon said the exact same thing." I sigh.

"See? It has to be right then." He winks and I just roll my eyes before I leave. Crying In The Club was the only song I'd shared with anybody else besides Malia, and Brendon.

I go straight to my meeting and it's pretty quick and straightforward. We go through the festivals I'm going to be doing within the next few months, and the talk shows and radio shows I would be on to promote my new single, and we talk about the album before I go to Starbucks and get some coffees before I go to the studio.

"Is he here yet? Well, either of them?" I ask the minute I walk in and Malia walks up to me and she shakes her head. "Okay, I guess we can get started without them."

"Yeah, of course." Malia quickly stands up from her chair and we both go into the sound booth and start working with different sounds for one of the songs I was going to do.

"You have to put Crying In The Club on the album, or we're not featuring in the song!" Ashton announces as he walks in and I spin around in my chair.

"You fucking talked to Brendon, didn't you?" I groan and he grins. I'd also shared the song with Willow and the 5 Seconds Of Summer boys. My mistake.

"Yes, also, Willow and I discussed it right after and she also agreed." Ashton tells me matter-of-factly.

"Fuck you all." I roll my eyes.

"So, will you do it?" Luke asks coming and sitting beside me.

"I guess." I shrug and all the boys smile at me.

I'd been friends with the boys since they first went on tour with One Direction and they were all amazing. I was probably the closest to Michael and Ashton, then again, I was probably close with Ashton because I saw him quite often now he was dating Willow. We'd all always joked about doing a song together, and we never thought it would actually happen, but I wrote a song and the boys loved it so Calum had suggested we actually go and do the song together and we'd all agreed. So here we were, to play around with different songs, and different vibes for it and we all hoped to finally record it today, but we weren't expecting miracles.

All the boys cheer and clap and I can't help but roll my eyes at them and even Malia has a knowing smile on her face. They then all congratulate me on my engagement and I can't help but blush and get little butterflies in my stomach imagining my wedding with the love of my entire life.


After a few hours we all decide to finish up and I hug each of the boys. We'd taken a selfie together in the studio and I'd posted it onto Instagram and people were going wild at the thought of us doing a song together.

We hadn't recorded it as of yet, but we'd eventually found the right sound for it, and we were singing bits of it to see how we could sing it, and we were going to work on it more in a couple days and we all say our goodbyes, and I tell Ashton to say hi to Willow, and to tell her about Crying In The Club before I hug them all and head back home.


A/N: Hey guys! Just to let you know, Luna's singles are:
-It Ain't Me: Selena Gomez
-Scared To Be Lonely: Dua Lipa & Martin garrix
-Nobody Like You: Little Mix
-Eyes Closed: Halsey
-Last Dance: Dua Lipa
-Swish Swish: Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj
-Crying In The Club: Camila Cabello

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