Luna's POV

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Brendon and I explore for the next couple hours after we eat our ice cream and there are so many cute little quirky shops in Japan. It's kind of amazing how different Tokyo is to both America and England. Tokyo has such a different culture to America and England and their food is so much different and their stores. I already love Tokyo. I can see why a couple of the Little Mix girls say that Tokyo is one of their favourite places to go. It's quickly becoming one of my favourites as well.

"So, how are you enjoying Japan?" Brendon asks as we walk hand in hand down a small alley way.

"I think it's beyond amazing, lets move here!" I laugh and he joins in.

"I'm sorry, my darling, but you hate sushi and that's one of the main foods here in Japan." Brendon tells me and I shrug.

"Well, yeah okay, but we should at least come and visit lots!" I say eagerly and he nods in agreement. 

After a little bit more of shopping, we head to the restaurant Brendon's picked out on Google maps and it's not fancy or anything, but it's so simple and cute. And at least what I'm wearing doesn't look out of place. We eat, and laugh, and talk, and it's just simple. The food is amazing and I love just spending time with Brendon.

The next couple of days go by in a blur. Brendon comes to my Japan Vogue Photoshoot and I can't help but be all smiles and giggles as he watches me intently the entire time. They get a few serious shots in but not many. Brendon can't help but continue pulling funny faces at me and just seeing him smiling at me, that proud smile, I can't help but have the sun basically radiating off of me. After that, we went and did some touristy things before going back to the hotel, changing and going to a much fancier one than the night before. The food was also amazing, and after we just wandered the streets together hand in hand.

The day after that I had a few more appearances before we did even more shopping and I lost track of how many cute, and weird, and wonderful things I bought. Japan was just full of cute things to buy, and I was already anticipating the next time I would get to come back here and visit. Hopefully bring Rain with me. We then also went out to another cute restaurant before heading back to the hotel and crashing for the night.

And now we're here. Just about to get off the plane at Paris. Paris. The place I hadn't come back to since I killed Brian. It didn't affect me as much as it used to, probably because it seems like so long ago, almost like I was another person at the time. Which I probably was. Someone who was dependent on someone else, someone who was a bit more helpless. I guess my medication also helped to numb those horrible feelings. Even now, I still had the occasional nightmare. I couldn't stop them. Willow once told me she occasionally still had some, regardless of how much her therapy sessions had helped her. I guess it was something traumatising, something that will never leave either of us. Maybe I was a bit to harsh on her? Who knows. I'll worry about that when I get back home.

"Have you been here since...?" Brendon asks, and he doesn't even have to finish his sentence for me to know what he means.

"No, I haven't." I say quietly, knowing he knows but he still asked me anyway. I feel his warm hand grip onto mine as we walk through the terminal, and of course there are a bunch of reporters and photographers, but we're told we're not allowed to stop, so we don't. We keep walking, and I put my head down and slightly hide behind Brendon. Fucking paps. 

We go and grab our luggage before we get into a cab and it takes us to our very fancy, Paris hotel. We walk in and it's exquisite. It's beyond beautiful. Maybe the most beautiful hotel I'd ever been in. We were only staying two nights, before we go to Italy, then Germany, and wherever else that's on my schedule before finally going to London. 

"Would you like to do a bit of shopping? It's just past two now, we could catch a few hours before we go for dinner." Brendon asks and I nod.

"Alright, sounds perfect." I smile.


I walk around an abandoned building, I don't know quite where I am. But it's freezing. There's goosebumps all over my skin and I look down to see I'm only in a crop top and shorts. Why the fuck is it so cold here anyway? What am I doing here?

It's pitch black to the point I can't see much until I stumble into a room with a dim lamp lighting up the room and I walk over to it, and next thing I know I'm tied up in a chair. I look around and trying to pull free, but it's no use. The ropes are unforgiving. They're tight. Too tight. And they tighten the more I struggle. 

I scream out for help, but no sound comes out. I start to panic. What the fuck is happening? That's when I see the haunting eyes that have haunted me for years.

"Do you really think I wouldn't come back? After what you did? After you fucked up mine and Willow's relationship?" Brian spits and he holds a gun to my head and I'm frozen in fear. I try to speak, but again, there's nothing. Nothing comes out. I'm frozen in fear. "You killed me, of course I was going to come back after you again."

Brian slides a hand up my thigh and I can't help the shiver that goes up my spine, whether it be from the cold or his hand. His hand is cold. Too cold. His skin is white. Pale white. Like the movies when they find a dead body. 

"Please. Don't." I whisper and he just smiles a sick, twisted smile.

"You kill me, I kill you. It's only fair." Brian muses, cocking his head to the side and I look away. Next thing I know his hand is crushing my jaw and he looks at me and points the gun once again. "Nighty night."

Next thing I know, I'm being shaken awake.

"Luna, Luna, it's okay. You're safe." Brendon's worried voice breaks through my nightmare and I'm shaking. I feel hot. Too hot. 

I look around, the tears falling, and Brendon's turned on the lamp, probably because when he didn't once, I punched him.

"Luna. Breathe. I'm right here." Brendon says quietly and I bury my head in his chest as his arms tighten around me and my crying turns into sobs. "He's gone, he's never coming back." He pulls my even closer to him and I wraps my legs around him. 

"It felt so real." I whimper and I feel him nod as he strokes my hair.

"I know, I know, but it's okay. You're okay. I'm here, and I'll never let you go." Brendon assures me as he holds me.

Well thanks Brian for ruining Paris for me.

Brendon and I just stay like that, him holding me, until the sun comes up and we get ready for a day full of interviews, radio shows, and a photoshoot, and Brendon promises not to leave my side the entire day, and I can't help but be thankful that I have him.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in ages! I've had serious writers block, plus I've been super busy with university! But I have holidays in just under two weeks for three months so I'll try to update as much as I can! Thank you for being patient with me! 

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