Luna's POV

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Brendon, Rain and I were finally on our way back to New York. I'd had such an amazing time meeting fans all over the world and being able to perform for everyone. It'd been amazing to see historical sights and getting to take Rain places and she'd gotten to experience things she'd never gotten to experience. It was amazing to see her eyes light up when she saw something she'd never seen before.

She'd told me Japan had been one of her favourite places and I told her it was one of mine as well. She'd been star struck by all the amazing things in Japan and it was so different to America. I'd bought her quite a few things in Japan's. She was a spoilt little girl, but at least she was grateful for everything she got. Rain gets the world, and not once has she gotten mad about something she can't have. Sometimes I wonder if she's odd. Then I remember I never really got mad when I didn't get something either.

I'd gotten so many rave reviews about my concerts and so many fans had given me cute little gifts at M&G's and I got letters from them which I would always read after the concert and I was so grateful for every single one of them. I always told them I loved them and thanked them in meet and greets and at the start and end of every concert. A few fans in Australia had gotten to meet Brendon when he'd appeared at meet and greets, but mainly he'd stay back stage and entertain Rain which he was amazing at doing.

Rain got to watch quite a few shows thanks to Malia. Malia and Rain were joined at the hip. Malia loved Rain so much, and I was glad. Rain always watched in wonder when I performed. I felt funny singing Lonely, especially since I was quite sexy on stage with that song, plus the amount of times I sang fucking, although she was used to it having me as her mum, and both Brendon and Zayn as her dad's, it was still funny. 

Finally, we step off the plane, I carry Rain who falls asleep in my arms and Brendon grabs our luggage and then takes it to the cab and we get in and I gently place Rain in between us and I'm exhausted myself. Performing for 2 or 3 nights in a row, and then having to fly to a different country is exhausting. There's even some nights you don't want to, that you can't be bothered, but you do it. Then you're exhilerated afterwards and can't really sleep, so that's a bitch. 

But now, I can finally sleep in my own bed for a long, long time. Considering my tour won't be at least for another year or so. Whenever I get my third album out. Which, I only have two songs for so far. I'd also performed both King of my Heart and Homesick on the last night of the tour and the feedback had been amazing. People were saying Homesick was one of the best songs I'd ever written and everyone loved King of my Heart and how cute it was. I was pretty fucking proud of those songs.

I'd also written a song called Thinking 'Bout You which was also about Brendon, which wasn't really a surprise. I really loved the song, it was a beautiful song and I couldn't wait to get back into the studio and record the three songs I did have. I had no rush on this album, so I didn't really mind how long it was going to take me. Who even cares when there is no rush?

We finally get home and I put Rain to bed and gently change her into some pajamas, being careful not to wake her before I go into my own bedroom and die on the bed.

"Is someone too tired to fuck me?" Brendon jokes and I throw a pillow at him.

"You can have morning sex." I tell him and he laughs as he takes his shirt and pants off before grabbing another shirt and he comes over to me and gently takes off my pants and shirt and puts on the t-shirt and pulls my shoes off.

"You're a good husband." I muse and he smiles.

"I'm the best husband you'll ever have!" He tells me.

"The best husband I'll ever have." I giggle and he nods.

"That's what I like to hear." He tells me before turning out the light and he crawls into the bed beside me and I cuddle into him.

"Goodnight. I love you, and missed you."

"Goodnight, I love you and missed you too."


A few days later I sit in the bathroom with my head between my legs when Brendon walks in.

"You're still not feeling any better, baby?" Brendon asks me as he leans down and pats my back and I shake my head.

"No, I still feel sick as fuck, and it keeps coming and going, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me." I groan.

"Well, you've been eating right?" He asks and I shoot him a glare and he puts his hands up in defense. "I'm just asking."

"You know damn well I have been." I shoot back and he sighs.

"Well, maybe you've got the flu or something, you could've caught anything on the plane, sick people are always on flights." Brendon suggests.

"Maybe." I reply. 

"You should go see a doctor." He tells me and I shrug.

"Yeah, probably." I reply with a sigh.


Another few days later had passed and I still didn't feel any better. Brendon had gone to do some recording and he didn't want to leave, but I pushed him too. It was something he had to do so he'd also agreed to drop Rain off at Zayn's. I'm sure he probably just dropped Rain off and waited until she was safe inside before he drove off. He hates Zayn. He really does. Can't blame him, but he should get over it. Everything worked out fine in the end and Brendon and I are finally happily married.

I had a doctors appointment tomorrow I was going to. Brendon said he could cancel his meeting tomorrow but I assured him I would be fine. I'm not sure he believed me, but he wasn't going to press the issue. I was hoping I'd be fine by the weekend since I have Willow and Liam's house warming party to go to. No way in hell I wanted to miss that

I was just lying in bed when it dawned on me... I've been sick for days, I was sick when I was on the tour bus when Willow and I were touring with the boys. I'd also been having a little bit of cramping and mood swings. Though, I had mood swings every now and again. I'd also been feeling unusually tired. Especially since right after I'd gotten back home. I hadn't even wanted to have sex with Brendon which was unusual no matter how tired I was.

Oh fuck.

I couldn't be. No, I couldn't be. I was on birth control and... wait! When was the last time I actually had my shot? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

There was no way in fucking hell I could be fucking pregnant. I couldn't be. There was no way I could be. It would ruin everything.


I sit in the doctor's office nervously waiting the result. She'd made me take a pregnancy test and I was just waiting for her to tell me the results. I couldn't get it out of my head, the fact I could be fucking pregnant. This couldn't happen. Not now. Not another accidental baby. Not with Brendon. Not with someone who didn't actually want kids in the first place.

What if I was? What would Brendon say? Would he break up with me? What if he wanted me to get rid of the baby? I couldn't do that. I don't care how much I love him. I wouldn't. Would he be happy? Would it make him realise he wanted kids? I'd be fooling myself if I talked myself into believing he would actually be happy about me being pregnant. If I was.

I still didn't know and the doctor is just making my anxiety go through the roof. I wish she would hurry the fuck up with these stupid fucking results already. Just let my torture end! Though, if I was pregnant, the torture would probably be even worse. And when the fuck would I tell Brendon? Or how?

Oh, hey, babe, I forgot to take my shot and I'm pregnant. Nervous laughter at the end. He would fucking kill me. If it was Zayn, it'd be fine. No worries. We would be happy, we would laugh and kiss, and not worry about it. He actually wanted kids. Unlike the man I was actually married too. 

The doctor finally comes back and I sit up straight.

"Well?" I ask, anxious for her answer. 

"You're pregnant, Mrs. Urie." 

My heart sinks. I feel even sicker than I did a minute ago. 

What am I going to do?

Nobody Like You // Book #2Where stories live. Discover now