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Naruto woke up to his alarm blaring music in his left ear. Groaning, he hit the snooze option on his phone and sat up slowly.

"It's Friday..." He groggily said. He rubbed his eyes, got up, and walked into the bathroom. He did his morning hygiene and went to his drawers to find his uniform,  put on his white button-down shirt and khaki pants and his cream vest,  put on his outside shoes, and walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Well, I see you're finally awake huh?" A voice called out. Naruto jumped and quickly looked at the owner of the voice.

Geez, Iruka-sensei you scared me!" Naruto shouted.

"Oh please. And quiet down or you'll wake up the neighbors. Breakfast is on the table." Iruka said still looking at the newspaper article.

"Thanks. How long were you up?"

"Since 6:30 this morning, about thirty minutes. You weren't  awake yet by the time I awoke, so I came down to fix your food and read the paper."

"Oh, ok. Oh, by the way, before I forget, I'm taking Sakura-chan out on a date on Saturday." He said.

"Oh?" Iruka said folding down his newspaper so he can see Naruto properly. "How long has it been since the last one?"

"About two months," Naruto said mouth full of pancakes. "I'm planning on taking her to dinner!"

"Oh, that sounds nice," Iruka said smiling to himself.

"Right? After dinner, I wanna show her the garden."

"The garden? You sure?" He questioned.

Iruka was the only other person that knew of the garden's existence. When he was younger, Naruto and Iruka developed a father and son kind of bond since they were both orphans. This resulted in Iruka taking in and adopting Naruto. One day, Naruto had built up so much trust in Iruka that he took him to this heavenly place and it's been their little secret ever since.

"Yeah! I think it's the right time to tell her about it before we all graduate."

"Hmm...well if you feel that way then okay. I'm proud of you. Now finish up your food. It's almost time for the bus."

"Alright alright," Naruto said and ate the rest of his food. He put the dishes in the dishwasher,  grabbing his stuff ready to walk out the door until Iruka called out to him.

"Yo Naruto! It's going to rain today so carry this umbrella." Iruka said tossing the umbrella. Naruto caught it and thanked him and left for the bus stop.

When the bus got there, he got on and put on his headphones listened to some music the rest of the way. When they finally made it to school, he got off and put his headphones in his pockets, and went to his locker. He took off his outside shoes and put on his school shoes and walked his way to class.

While going to class, he bumped into Sai on the way. "Hey, Sai."

"Hello, Naruto. You going to class?"

"Yeah, I'm trying not to be late this year haha."

"Well, it seems like you're failing," Sai said with his sarcastic smile.

"Shut up Sai." He said through gritted teeth.

"Anyways, see you later on today. Don't be late again." He said and left.

'Why am I that jerk's friend again?' He thought. Naruto pushed the thought to the back of his head and kept walking to class. Once he got there, he sat in his assigned seats and prepared for another long day he called jail. He guessed it was not that bad considering his close friends and girlfriend were all here but it didn't do much when he reminded himself of the different classes they were all taking, which meant less time being together.

After school was over, he went back to his locker and put back his school shows and put on his outside shoes and his umbrella, and left to go to Sakura's house. While heading to the gate, he bumped into her.

"Oh hey, Naruto."

"Hey, Sakura-chan! You wanna walk together?"

"Of course!" They both walked by each other to Sakura's house in comfortable silence before Naruto broke it.

"Hey, you look good today." Naruto complimented.

Sakura blushed a bit and slightly smiled. "Thanks. You look good as well. Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yeah of course! I'm excited to show the thing!"

"Is it really that big?"

"Yeah! It's something only certain people know about. Not even Sasuke knows about it."

"Wow am I that special?" Sakura giggled.

"Like you wouldn't even imagine..." He said looking down at her. Sakura looked up at him and quickly looked forward forming a huge blush on her face.

"C-Come on, my house is just a few steps away," Sakura said speeding up. Naruto just shook his head and laughed at his girlfriend's cuteness and sped up with her. They finally reached her house and walked into the house.

"Hey Mom, Dad I'm home!"

"Hey, honey! And Naruto how are you?" Her mother Mebuki asked coming from the kitchen.

"I'm fine Mrs. Haruno, how are you?"

"I'm doing well thanks for asking. I'm guessing the volcano project huh?"

"Yes, my friends and I are going to finish it today so we can turn it in next week," Sakura explained.

"Well alright, I'll leave you guys alone. If you need me I'll be upstairs." Mebuki said heading up the stairs.

"Thanks, Mom!" Sakura shouted. She then put her things down and got the materials and shirts from yesterday and handed a shirt to Naruto.

Not too far behind, Sasuke and Sai came over and were ready to start as well. They got out the white clay and started to mash it up. After they mashed it up and gave it shape, they put the clay on the newspaper to make it pop. Once they were done with that, they, mainly Sai, painted the volcano. Once that was done, they were officially done with the project.

"Finally done with this stupid project." Sasuke groaned falling on the couch while they followed.

"I know right. How long have we been working on this thing?" Naruto asked.

"Five hours," Sai answered. More groaning was heard from the whole group.

"You know what though?" Sakura asked the group.

"What?" They said.

"It looks damn good."

"True," Naruto said. They all got up and gave the shirts back to Sakura and gathered their stuff.

"Well it's been fun but I have to go. I'll see you all next week. Goodnight." Sai said.

"Yeah, I'm leaving too. I'm tired. Night." Sasuke said and left with Sai.

"I'll help clean the rest of the stuff," Naruto said.

"Thanks," Sakura replied. They picked up trash and put up the rest of the materials in Sakura's room. After they were done, Naruto gathers his stuff and got ready to leave.

"Bye Sakura Chan! I'll see you tomorrow at five o'clock."

"Ok. Don't be late! Night." Sakura said and kissed him goodbye.

"N-Night." He replied and left.

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