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Ten years have passed since then. Now, Naruto and Sakura are fully grown, married adults. Naruto sighed looking up to the beautiful bright sky. He had come back to the secret garden along with Sakura for a picnic.

"It sure has been a while huh?" He said to himself. "I wonder if that carving is still up."

He headed over to the carving and saw that it was still there in good condition. He smiled as he brushed his fingers over the carving.

"Babe. The food is ready." Sakura said tapping on her husband's shoulder. Sakura then looks at what he was looking at and smiles.

"Aww, I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was the first time you took me here..."

"Yeah, I know. Time flies huh? Just yesterday we were seniors in high school and now married."

"With a kid on the way as well," Sakura said putting her hand over her five-month pregnant belly. "Now come on. We are ready to eat."

Naruto chuckled a bit and followed her to their picnic set up. "I'm hungry too. But let's see if the actual food is any good hahaha."

"What did you just say?!"

"Hehe, n-nothing dear hehehe."

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