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Naruto opened the car door for Sakura and got in as well and took off on the road. They road on the highway for a minute before taking a turn onto a country path. The road was bumpy and each side was full of trees. Thankfully, it was still daylight out there so they could see clearly.

"Uh, Naruto? Is this the secret place? Because if it is..."

"Not quite Sakura-chan. Come on." Naruto stopped the car in front of a gate and got out. Sakura hesitantly got out as well and took Naruto's hand and let him guide her.

"Did you at least bring some bug spray?"

"You wouldn't need it where we're going."

"Alrighty then..."

Soon, they reached a huge bolder with a sheet of moss and vines covering a space. "Here it is," Naruto said and moved it and motioned for Sakura to come through it. Sakura looked between him and the way where they came from, sighed, and reluctantly went though as Naruto followed.

"Oh my God

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"Oh my God..." Sakura gasped at the beautiful nature around her. Cherry blossoms were flying all around her with Sakura looking at them with amazement.

"Amazing right?" Naruto spoke.

"It's...the cherry blossom trees are so.... beautiful..."

"Like you..." He said stepping closer to her. She kept her eyes on him as he got closer to her. They were at the point where their faces were centimeters apart when Naruto smirked and grabbed her hand. "Come on. There's more."


They both walked down the cherry tree aisle hand in hand often stealing glances from each other. When they got to the end of the aisle, Sakura gasped again and moved away from his grip in excitement and amazement.

"Woah..." She said. She took a few steps forward and looked at the water and land mixed area. "Is this real! This can't be real..."

"Oh, it's real alright," Naruto said coming up from behind and grabbing hold of her hand. "Come on. I'll take you to my favorite spot." He lead them to a spot where they were beside the water and can still be in the area where the cherry blossoms fell.

Sakura looked at the pond and saw fishes in there.

Sakura looked at the pond and saw fishes in there

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"I...have no words..."

"Do you like it?"

"I...I love it! Thank you for bringing me here!" Sakura said and kisses him. She pulled away and kept her hands around his face giving him a loving smile while he refected the same.

"Do you know why I brought you here Sakura-chan?"

"No. Why?"

"It's because I love you. I love you and trust you enough to bring you to a place where I can be free!"

"I-I don't understand. A place where you could be free?"

"You see, a few years ago, I was getting bullied, bad. It got to the point where I didn't feel like I could be me anymore. Ah, I wanted to just quit on life on that day... So, instead of going home, I walked. I didn't know where I was going, I just let my feet guide me which placed me here. When I first got here, I felt an atmosphere where it was peaceful. Happiness. Things I've never felt before. Ever since that day, I kept coming back. When I would have bad days, I would come here. If I had something on my mind, I would come here."

"That's wonderful..."

"Yeah. Only me Iruka-sensei and now you know about that place."

"I see... I'll keep it a secret between us. You can count on me." Sakura said with a smile. Naruto smiled back and kissed her forehead and took her by the hand. 

"Come over here!"

Naruto stopped in front of a cherry tree and looked at it. Sakura looked between him and the cherry blossoms tree.


"This is the perfect tree..."

"Perfect for what?"


Naruto then pulled out a pocket knife and put it towards the trees.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm carving our names in this tree."

Sakura watched as Naruto was completing carving their names into the beautiful Cherry blossom tree. When he was done, he stepped back so she could see.

"Naruto heart Sakura...forever." She read.

"And ever...until the end of time." He said. Naruto then grabbed her by her waist pulling her closer to him.

"I love you." He said and kissed her. Sakura pulled his face closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. When they were finishing, they lay in the meadow eventually falling asleep in one another's arms.

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