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Sakura awoke to the brightness of the sun shining on her face. She turned over and checked her phone.

"12:27? I must've been out..." She said. Sakura got out of bed to take a shower and do her 'morning' hygiene. Once she got out, she closes the blinds and lays on her bed.

"Ugh, I think I slept too hard. I don't even know what day it is today..." Sakura said. "Let's see... Oh, it's Saturday. Good..." She said laying back in her bed. A few moments she quickly opened her eyes jumped out of the bed.

"It's the day of the date! Argh, I was so tired last night that I didn't even have time to find a good outfit! What should I wear?!"

Sakura rummaged through her closet until she found the right outfit. She settled on a white half shirt that comes with a flowy white skirt.

"Alright. Now that that is settled, I'm going to go eat something."

She went downstairs and found her parents watching TV. "Hey, Sakura-chan! It looks like you were really tired last night." Her father Kizashi says.

"Oh yeah, I stayed up for five hours with my friends trying to finish up the volcano project."

"Oh, that's right. Did you guys finish it?"


"That's good."

"Oh honey, I don't know if you've forgotten but remember that you have a date at five." Her mother reminds her.

"I know Mom thanks for reminding me," Sakura said coming back with some cereal and sitting at the dining table. "I already found my outfit as well."

"What is it?"

"It's that white half shirt and long skirt combo you bought me."

"Oh, that one outfit I bought you for Christmas?"


"Oh, that's a cute outfit! I can't wait to see it!"

"I hope you have fun as well sweetie. What are you guys doing anyways?" Her father interrupted.

"Oh he's taking me to dinner then he's going to show me something."

"What do you mean something?" Kizashi questioned.

"Don't worry Dad we aren't doing anything. Besides, he says it's a secret that only certain people know about." Sakura explained.

"Oh, that sounds lovely," Mebuki said.

"I know right? Well, I have to get ready. Time flies!" Sakura says before heading upstairs. As she got ready, time did fly by her and soon enough it was almost five.

"Naruto should be here any minute now. Hair is good? Check! Outfit on point? Check? Lipstick? Check! I think I'm all good!"

Just then, she heard a doorbell ring. "Sakura your boyfriend is here!"

Sakura squealed in excitement and calmed herself down before going down the steps. "Coming!"

Walked down the steps calmly and looked out the front door. "H-Hey Sakura-chan. You look great." Naruto says.

Sakura blushed and replied back. "You look nice too Naruto." Naruto had on an orange button-down shirt with dark blue jeans.

"Aww, aren't you two just so cute! Now go on! You don't want to starve huh?" Mebuki says pushing her daughter out.

"Bring her back by eleven tonight," Kizashi says.

"Yes sir," Naruto replies.

"Bye Mom bye Dad!" Sakura said and got into Naruto's car. They drove off to a little restaurant called Ichiriki, a restaurant that combined Japanese, Chinese, and Western food into its menu.

"Ichiriki? Isn't this where we had our first official date?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah! I thought it'd be awesome to come back you know? I already made our reservations come on." He said and opened the door for her. She thanked him and walked up to the hostess.

"Hi! How may I help you?" The hostess said.

"Hi, my name is Uzumaki Naruto. I made a reservation earlier this week?"

"Oh yes, Mr. Uzumaki! Let me take you to your seats!" The hostess then got up from her post and lead them to a table in the back near the chandeliers. "Alright here are your seats. A waiter will be here in just a moment!" They said and left.

"Wow, this is beautiful Naruto.." Sakura said looking around in wonder.

"I'm glad you like it Sakura-chan," Naruto said smiling brightly at her.

Soon, the waiter came by asking them what do they want. Sakura ordered lemon iced tea and Unagi, an eel dish, while Naruto went with Sukiyaki and water. Soon, their drinks were delivered and their food followed in suit.

"Mmm, this is so good! You want some?" Sakura offered.

"Yes," Naruto said. Sakura then picked up part of her eel meal and fed it to him. "Mmm, this does taste good! You wanna try mine?"

"That does look good..." Sakura said before Naruto fed her. "And taste good as well!"

"Mmmhmmm. We have great taste buds hahaha." Naruto laughed. Sakura laughed too in agreement and continued to eat their food.

"Hey, Sakura. You look really beautiful tonight. You know that right?"

Sakura blushed a bit. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself.


"...Hey I just wanna also say thank you."

"For what?"

"For taking a chance on me. I never thought in a million years that I'd score the most beautiful and talented person in the whole world." Naruto complimented. He leaned over the table letting their faces get close to each other. "I hit the jackpot."

Sakura was taken aback at first but smiled at her boyfriend. "And thank you for putting up with me. I think I'm the one who hit the jackpot." Sakura said and leaned over as well. They look at each other with loving eyes before leaving back into their seats

A comfortable silence overtook them before Sakura broke it.

"Hey, Naruto..."

"Yeah, Sakura-chan?"

"This secret... Is it a place ? Like a secret place?"

"Yes. See how smart you are?" Naruto said in a playful tone

Sakura rolled her eyes at him and smirked
"Well, I think I'm ready to see this secret place of yours."

"Oh really? You ready?" Sakura nodded her head yes and put on her purse. "Alrighty then. Let's go." He smiled and paid for the dinner and left.

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