Chapter 4: Changes

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I'm back :)
Sorry to all the readers that had to wait for so long.
But now there will be regular updates ;)

Dark omnious clouds covered the sky and slowly rain started falling. Tsuna stopped looking at the sky and screamed: 'Why? Why couldn't I protect them?'
The rain mixed up with his tears that were streaming down his cheeks.
He closed his eyes. He didn't want to look at it. Because even with closed eyes he saw it before him. It was just burned into his brain after watching it again and again.
Tsuna's legs gave up and he fell to the ground. Pityful and heartbroken cries halled through the open area. He was heavily breathing and the feeling of shame and desperation spread in him.
He would join them. Sooner or later he would do so.
Suddenly he sensed someone behind him. But he was to weak to turn around. Something stabbed him into his back and Tsuna felt pain. He wanted to turn around, to struggle...
But he didn't have to power to do so. A crazy laugh behind him let him shudder and slowly his eyes closed,
only to open them again and look at the ceiling.

'The same dream again.' The brunet answered and sighed. Only then he realized that he wasn't at home In his room and that there was another presence near him. He looked around to find himself in the disciplinary committee clubroom. And on a comfortable chair sat Reborn. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping, his hyper intuition told him otherwise though.

'Reborn, you're back.' Tsuna stated and smiled at the hitman.
Reborn opened his eyes and looked at the brunet with a strange expression.
Missing Reborn's typical smirk, the brunet worriedly asked: 'Is something wrong?'
But Reborn seemed to be stuck with some deep thinking.
After some seconds Reborn finally answered: 'You emitted skyflames while dreaming. And they felt... negative.'
The future mafia boss was surprised hearing this. Emitting flames while sleeping? He didn't even know that that possible.
'What did you dream about?' Reborn asked and immeadiately Tsuna's face froze and he shuddered. Strainfully the brunet recovered from the sudden question and put on a smile.
'It was just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about.' Tsuna tried to play it down but Reborn wouldn't have that. He stood up and sat down directly next to the brunet. Since he was still lying on the couch, Reborn was now sitting on the ground his back turnedz to the brunet.
'Even if it's just a nightmare if it's so disturbing that you're not able to sleep anymore then you should talk to someone about it.' Reborn suggested.
Silence settled between the two males.

'Don't worry, it's not that bad. If it gets worse I'll talk to someone about it ok?' Tsuna sincerly said though he hoped that it wouldn't get any worse that it already was.

'You've grown up since I went to Italy.' Reborn said turning around to look at his student. He know the brunet was hiding something, but if he didn't want to talk about it that's ok. The number one hitman wasn't a very patient man, but something told him that he should let it go for now.

'So, I'm back, Dame-Tsuna.' Reborn stated finally smirking his signature smirk.

'Welcome back.' Tsuna said and laughed. He wanted to sit up, but a strong hand prevented him from that.
'Just continue lying down and maybe get some more sleep. Your guardians are worried sick for you.' Reborn said leaving no room for a "no".
'Though you seem to have a good relationship with all of your guardians now. Especially your cloud.' Reborn said. Tsuna smiled weakly.

'Kyoya is... Well, not sure how that happened. It's probably because of Hibird...' Tsuna said laughed embarassed.
'Kyoya? So you're on first name basis with him?' Reborn asked surprised. He didn't expect that.
'Yeah, after Hibird went missing in the storm Kyoya was searching for it. I helped with my hyper intuition and we quickly found it at namimori shrine. It had a sprained wing but I helped him putting on a bondage and after a week Hibird was able to fly again. And since that day he told me to call him by his first name...
Pretty boring story, I know.'
Tsuna explained.
Reborn laughed. 'No, not at all.' he said and patted the brunet on the head.

Tsuna blushed at Reborn's action and the hitman laughed. Suddenly two knocks on the door interrupted the student-tutor time and immeadiately Reborn's face chapter into his typical smirk.

The door opened an and Hayato carefully looked into the room.
'Jyuudaime? Are you already awake?' he quietly asked hoping not to interrupt his boss' sleep if he should still be sleeping.
Tsuna sat up. 'Yes, Hayato. I'm awake. Come in.' the brunet answered smiling at his storm.
'Jyuudaime! We were all worried! Are you feeling better now?' Hayato asked worrierly coming into the room and bowing to his boss.
'I'm sorry that I made you worry. I'm feeling a lot better now. I hope you can forgive me, Hayato.' Tsuna replied smiling.
'No, no, jyuudaime shouldn't be apologizing. You're jyuudaime after all.' Hayato should desperately and bowed again.
Tsuna stopped smiling and stood up from the couch.
'Hayato, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Tsuna?' The brunet said smiling sadly at his right handy man.
'But you're the jyuudaime! How could I be so impolite to you!' Hayato protested. Tsuna sighed and finally Reborn said: 'If he wants you to call him so, you should fulfill his wishes. Don't you think so, Hayato?'

Tsuna gave Reborn a grateful smile and Hayato looked at his boss.
'Ok, then from now on I'll call you Ts-Tsu-tsuna-sama.' Hayato said stuttering.
'No sama. Just Tsuna.' Tsuna protested.
'Ts-Tsuna.' Hayato said with reddened cheeks.
'Thanks.' The brunet smiled happily and hugged his guardian.
'Jyuu... Tsuna!' Hayato said blushing bright red.
Tsuna laughed. 'Sorry, I just was so happy that you finally called me by my name.'
His storm was now nearly as red as his flames as Tsuna let him go.

'So why did you come here? Something important?' Tsuna now asked switching to his serious mode.
'Actually, I just wanted to give you Kyoko's present since Kyoya already brought the rest of your thanks home for you but forgot that.' the silverette explained and give Tsuna the little bag with the tea.
'Thanks. But wait, Kyoya brought my stuff home? What time is it?!' Tsuna asked shocked.
'It's 17 o'clock. School already ended.' Reborn replied a had to hold back a laugh at his student's flabbergasted expression.
'Shit!' Tsuna exclaimed.
'No cursing, dame-Tsuna!' Reborn warned though the hitman wondered since when his student started cursing.
'Sorry, but I forgot about Shoichi. I wanted to meet up with him at 4.'

'Shoichi? Why did you want to meet up with him?' Reborn asked. If he remembered correctly Tsuna and Shoichi weren't that closed before he left.
'He wanted to explain some things to me. I have to write him and apologize.' Tsuna said and grabbed into his pocket to pull out his phone.

'Do you have a new phone?' Reborn asked suddenly and stared at the unknown smartphone.
'Oh yeah. It was a present by Byakuran.' Tsuna said absently while writing a text message.
Reborn wondered. How could so much change in the 2 months he was away. Just what happened to Tsuna? He just seemed so different.
Reborn got lost in his thoughts.
'Ok, we should probably head home soon. Mom is probably worried.' Tsuna announced and looked at the other two males. Hayato nodded.
'Since Reborn is with you and you two probably have a lot to talk about I'll head home now. Until tomorrow, Jy... Tsuna.' The bomber said and left the room leaving student and tutor alone in the room.
'He is right. In two months seemed have happened a lot. Care to explain?' the hitman said and Tsuna nodded.
'Sure. Then let's go. Mom will be happy too to see you back.' The brunet said and went to the door.
'Too? So you're happy I'm back? Missed me?' Reborn teased and Tsuna turned around to smile a simply sweet smile at him.
'If this goes on then not anymore.' Tsuna said and laughed.
Both were now heading home talking about this and that. though when the arrived at the house Reborn realized that they mostly talked about Italy, the former arcobaleno and himself instead of what happened in namimori. The tutor was not too sure what to think about this, but there was always a next day.

Here's the chapter. Finally done.
To be honest after my least exam yesterday I was soooo wasted, but somehow I survived it.
Thanks for reading.
I don't own khr and the pictures. Only the plot ;)

-soon Reborn and Tsuna talk about love
-Mukuro and Byakuran will be in the next chapter ;)

See you soon


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