Bella's Diary

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And when I shall die, take him and cut him up in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will fall in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun.


Romeo And Juliet.

I had written this quote down in an old diary I brought with me to Forks. I scribbled hearts around it while thinking of his pale porcelain face. I knew nothing of him then. Nothing of his immortality, strength, speed or how dangerous he was. All I knew then, was that he was the most beautiful being I've even seen. Actually, "beautiful" isn't a strong enough word as it is described in the dictionary as:



1. Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight.

2. Excellent; wonderful.

Edward is more than this. To this day, I've never been able to think of a great enough word to describe him. He's pulled at my now lifeless heart strings since the first time I laid eyes on him. Now, I see some of those indescribable qualities in myself, too. And, in mine and Edward's daughter, Renesmee "Nessie" Carlie Cullen.

To say my life has changed "drastically" since moving to Forks, Washington is the understatement of a lifetime. My life, in all it's immortal glory isn't the only thing that has changed. My appearance has also become distinct. When I used to look in the mirror I'd see a soft, plain, pale looking, brown eyed girl looking back at me. Now, I see a porcelain skinned, red eyed, strong, beautiful... vampire. I'm still not used to saying that. I doubt I ever will be, and for me eternity is a long time to not be used to something. One thing I am happy I won't have to get "used" to, is my crimson eyes. They are slowly changing, falling into a golden brown color with tinges of red. I've stopped wearing my contacts around Charlie, and Sue - Charlie's partner. Alice sees great things happening between them. It makes me happy to know Charlie isn't lonely.

They still don't ask questions, and I still don't offer any information. After watching Jacob transform into a wolf, Charlie has become aware of the fact that there's something very strange happening. However, he also knows no one would ever hurt him.

Sometimes I go back to his house in the middle of the night to check on him. I crawl through my old window and go into his room to usually find him dreaming of something either fishing or work related. I miss him. I miss a lot of things. I'll never have to miss Edward though.

Jacob comes to visit Renesmee often. A little too often, but I am understanding more and more. She's growing so very fast, and he wants to be there to see everything. She often shows Edward and I that she loves Jacob. She looks at him like a best friend or brother. I'll always be grateful for Jacob and his bravery when the Volturi came. I was thankful to have him there, to run with Renesmee in case the Volturi decided to fight. I've always been grateful for Jacob, for always being there. Always.

I am going to sign off now. Edward and I are going to go sing Renesmee to sleep. Well, Edward is going to. I can't sing. But, I watch. I love watching my two angels . The two loves of my life. Forever.


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