Bella's Diary (Charlie Is Hurt)

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The amount of anger I am experiencing at this moment is unexplainable. I can't write for long, as I have a lot happening right now. This is the first time I have felt the full potential of my strength, the first time since being a new vampire that I have considered killing a human.

... Charlie was shot in the line of duty yesterday. A group of punks made their way to Forks from Seattle in an attempt the run from the police there. They were involved in a shooting in Seattle, and killed two people.

Charlie was on shift, and got a call of suspicious behavior occurring about one kilometre from the diner. A witness stated that as soon as Charlie arrived on the scene, he was shot. Three times. Once in the lung. Once in the right shoulder, and once in his chest, so close to his heart that Carlisle said if it shifted at all, it could stop his heart.

The criminals are still out there, too. Edward has been trying to read peoples thoughts all day to find out where they are. He wants to turn them in. I however, want to kill them. Edward keeps reminding me of what could happen if I did anything to harm them, I just don't know that I can stop myself. This desire is overwhelming. I cannot let them get away with what they have done to my father. For almost taking his life. I don't know what I'm going to do once we track them down.

In the meantime, I am heading back to the hospital to speak to Carlisle about Charlies progress, and to be by Charlies side. Nessie, Edward, Jacob, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, Esme and Sue are there already. I came home for a few hours to gather myself... the smell of blood in the hospital became hard for me to handle. I will write about Charlie's progress, and let you know if we find the criminals.

I hope we find them soon...


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