bucky barnes | diner

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It was the early winter of 1942, and your country America, had just begun to join World War II.

You were meeting some friends out by a local diner that had seemed to attract many people's attention during this bitter weather. It wasn't too overpopulated but there was just enough people to make it cozy.

Stepping into the diner, you looked around for your two friends. Once you successfully found them, you walked over to them but, not before looking over at a man.

This man was staring at you and smiling, you politely smiled back before sitting in the booth next to your friend.

You figured that man was just trying to be polite, although he was quite an attractive man. He had black hair and a military uniform on so you safely assumed he was headed to the war soon.

You had your curls wrapped in a hair scarf as your lips were painted cherry red. You wore an A-line dress that ended past your knees and black sturdy shoes.

While you talked with your friends for about twenty or so minutes you saw a person standing beside you at your booth from your peripheral vision.

You looked up and saw the handsome man that had been staring at you earlier, but he wasn't alone.

Stood beside him was a smaller blonde man, he smiled politely at us as the black haired man spoke, "How are you fine ladies doing this cold evening?" He asked.

"We're fine." You answered with a small smile.

He nodded, "Well that's great to hear, I'm Bucky Barnes and this here," He paused, putting an arm around the blonde man. "Is my friend, Steve Rogers."

"It's very nice to meet you both." You said smiling at Steve and Bucky.

"Nice to meet you too." Steve smiled.

"You as well. I never got your name, beautiful." Bucky smiled.

Your friends at the other side of the booth were giggling at Bucky's flirty behaviour. They nudged you with their feet underneath the table which made you glare at them but you still smiled nevertheless. "My name is (Y/F/N)."

He smiled, "(Y/N), what a beautiful name." You blushed, thanking him.

"How would you ladies like another coffee? On me." He said.

You looked at your two friends, "We would love that and I'm sure that (Y/N) would too." Your one friend said, winking at you.

You just laughed before moving to the far side of the booth to make room for Bucky and Steve to sit down.

"Can we get five coffees over here please?" Bucky yelled to a waitress who nodded and left to grab them.

Once Steve had gotten into a deep conversation with your friends, Bucky had turned his attention to you.

He was staring at you so you looked at him to your right. "What? Is there something on my face?" You asked, starting to worry.

He shook his head with a smile, "I saw you checking me out earlier when you just got here."

Your jaw dropped, "Me checking you out? I'm sorry Bucky but that was all you. You were the one checking me out!" You laughed, taking a sip of your coffee.

"I don't know (Y/N), you seemed to really like looking at me and that big smile you gave me really proves my point." He said.

You laughed, "That smile was me being polite." You corrected but not in a rude way.

It was his turn to laugh, "Are you sure?"

"I am most definitely sure but, if you want another smile like that, feel free to call me." You smiled, slipping a small piece of paper with your number on it into his hand.

His eyes lit up, "Gladly." He said.

You got up with your friends as they bid their goodbyes to the men left sitting at our booth.

"It was very nice meeting you, Steve. See you guys later." You waved, sending Bucky a polite smile as you and your friends left the diner.


Hey! I was planning on updating sooner but then I got sick and I still kind of am but i'm feeling a lot better than I was yesterday so I just decided to update. :-)

I hope you guys enjoyed this 1940's themed imagine, it was quite a cool experience to write it. I did a lot of research for this haha.

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Ly all xx

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