peter parker | jealous

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the crisp, autumn air flew through your hair as you smiled. you were currently talking with your lab partner about when the two of you were going to meet up and work on it.

his name was harry. to be honest, he was attractive but nowhere near as attractive as your boyfriend, peter.

"so, you wanna come over tonight to work? you could even stay over for dinner if you uh- wanted." harry said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"sure! sounds great," you chimed obliviously. "see you tonight!"

"bye!" harry replied, sending a small wave your way as he turned on his heels and walked away with his books in hand.

"who's that?" another voice asked behind you. it sounded a little irritated.

you turned around, a bigger smile finding it's way to your lips. "peter, hey! oh harry? he's just my lab partner for bio."

"oh." he said simply, he looked like a mix of being mad and disappointed.

you frowned, "what's wrong pete?"

"n-nothing. i'm fine. look, i gotta go so i'll catch you later okay?" he said, placing a quick kiss on your cheek before walking away.

you watched him leave, completely dubious as to why he was acting that way. so, you just decided that you would call him after harry's tonight.

"so, acid rain, blood vessel physiology or comparative skulls.. which one should we do?" you asked harry.

he smiled, "you pick. i'm good with anything."

you gave him a questioning look before you just shrugged it off. "okay well, i think the comparative skulls lab would be kinda cool."

"sounds good to me." he replied, staring intently at you.

"okay great." you smiled, not looking up at him but rather keeping your eyes on your paper that you were furiously writing on.

harry had been acting kind of weird tonight. you noticed how he continuously stared at you, smiled and touched you— whether it was on your hand or arm. he also let you make all of the decisions which bothered you a little.

not to mention, he was sitting very close to you. if you even moved an inch, you two would practically be kissing. the thought alone made you uncomfortable.

"so–" you looked up, his face was an inch from yours as he sucked in a breath.

"yeah?" he whispered and inched closer if that was even possible.

you stayed silent, your eyes widening as his lips connected with yours for a mere second before you pulled away.

"harry, what are you doing?" you stood up, feeling a bit shocked. you didn't know what to say.

he stood up too as he stuttered, "i- i'm so sorry (y/n). i didn't meant to—"

"i'm with peter, harry. and i love him," you sighed and ran a hand through your hair. "i should probably go." you said, packing your books up.

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