Chapter 5 ‼️

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Waking up I saw that I wasn't in my house or Shayla's I threw my legs over the bed and slowly got up.

Taking a long and much needed stretch made my way out of the room and started exploring the unfamiliar house.

I walked into the kitchen to see Major sitting at the table eating breakfast.

Not wanting to over react because my head was killing me I slowly sat flan in the chair across from him.

"Good morning sleepy head" Major said

"Morning" I replied with a raspy voice.

"How I get here" I asked

"We was at the party and you drink to much and Shayla left you so I brought you here"

He explained. Listening to what he said I laid my head on the table and thought about what happened yesterday.

As I was in deep thoughts I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder I looked up to see Major holding a cup of coffee taking it into my hands I slowly sipped from the cup.

"My mom should be home soon" he said as he walked up stairs

I sat the cup down on the table and followed behind him plopping down on the end of his bed.

"So I have to meet your mom looking like this" I asked

"If you want to" he replied as he sat on the bed next to me.

After staring at each other for what seemed like forever I was snapped out I my thoughts by a women voice yelling in home.

I grabbed a pair of Majors sweat pants that were on his computer desk chair and slid them on.

By time I was dressed Major was already down stairs greeting his mother.

I looked at myself once more and fixed my hair before exiting the room and making my way down stairs to the living room.

As I entered the living room I saw a tall caramel lady sprawled out on the couch with a blue scrubs outfit on. By the looks of it I'm guessing she is a doctor.

Major looked at me and smiled before introducing us.
She looked at me with a big smile before saying hi.

After getting aquatinted with her she exited the room and made her way up to her bedroom.

Checking my phone I noticed I had 6 miss calls and 3 unread texts messages.

Returning the call which was from my mother I waited till it rung 3 times before she finally answered the phone sounding as if she was sleep.

"Hey mom" I said waiting for a reply after a few yawns and stretches she replied "Hey sweetie where are you "

"I'm at my friend Majors house"
After explaining the whole situation to her she informed me to let her know when I will be on my way home.

After hanging with Major for half of the whole day I realized it was about that time for me to go home.

"I'm ready to go" I blurted out after Major and I got done playing.

After spending half of the day with Major we were heading home I waved good bye to his mother who was sitting on the couch watching tv.

We walked out side to his car. After he unlocked the car door I slid in and we both buckled up.

After starting the engine and backing out the driveway he sped off to the direction of my house.

After 30 minutes we were pulling up into my driveway.

Killing the engine he waited for me to get out, as I placed my hand on the handle of the door he grabbed my arm which made me look at him.

Staring at each other for what seemed to be forever he crashed his pink lips into mines.

The kiss felt like it lasted forever. After pulling apart he gazed into my eyes causing me to look away blushing.

"Bye" I said nervously exiting the car
"I'll text you " was the last thing I heard before closing the door behind me.

Walking to the front door I turned around once more to wave at Major as he started the engine and pulled off .


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