Junkrat x Reader (Sootball....Freckles )

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So this is a Junkrat from overwatch x Reader in this story you will be a shapeshifting hero {Who mostly stays in her were-cat like form} who came to be by a failed science experiment from a lab in the Talon headquarters. You were meant to kill with no remorse. You were successful in many tests. You had worked with the trio that was Sombra, Widowmaker, and Reaper, but after sending you to kill a child, to prove that the experiment was successful. you could not kill an innocent. The child is what stopped you. The image of the small, frail figure was enough. He helped you realize that you were your own. It, He, helped you escape and he helped you have courage to fight against the bad. Somehow you ended up joining the Overwatch and trained for when the bad times come.

I jumped from enemy to enemy, demobilizing them. My speed making me appear as a red strike. The bullets fly past me. Each one getting closer then the last. It reminds me of when I left the Talon lab.


Whistling noises flew past my ear. One of the bullets taking a chunk out of the inner edge. I make quick decisions, knowing that one wrong move could potentially be my death. "Get back here Crimson Cat" I hear the voice of the dead man say. "It's fine Gabriel, I'll be able to find her. Remember, I can find her no matter where she goes." I can hear Sombra in Reaper's earpiece. In the danger of the moment my senses were heightened, well, more than normal. I can basically feel Reaper in my shadow. That's when it hits me. He has that shadow travel. "Please God. Help me." I say under my breath. "You have no God. He doesn't even know that you exist. You were made outside of his sight. You will have nowhere to go when you perish. No one to listen to you when you pray." The Reaper's voice barriers itself deep in my mind. "You would know that better then I would, wouldn't you Gabriel" I snap back. My mouth has gotten in my way many times over the last (y-age) years. Something has taken control over me. I keep running but Reaper is still behind me. I run and make it to the nearest building, finding that it is the food station/ kitchen. I can hear the sound of a knife being drawn from a cutting board. "he,he,he. Got ya now kitten." I can hear Reapers cold voice echo against the steel cabinets. I feel several sharp pains in both of my arms. My eyes dart from the bloody knife to my arm and then back to the knife. There are several deep cuts on my arms, the cuts are deep and will leave scars. I begin to feel light headed. The blood loss getting to me. My vision blurs and I begin to fall. Reaper goes to grab my form but there is the surge of energy that flows through my body resulting in me running at a speed that seemed impossible. I slash through the Talon members. Each one falling faster and harder than the last. By the time this ends I'm in the middle of nowhere. My heart begins to feel weak and I begin to crash. My feet somehow carry me to a small town. As I enter a building just outside of the town I hear all chatter end. I mean, it's understandable that chatter would stop, a cat like girl covers in cuts and blood from her and her enemies on her body. My feet finally give out on me and I collapse into a man's arms. His arms wrap around me letting me know that this stranger will not allow me to fall. With his arms wrapped around me I notice that his left in a prosthetic and his right's fine. I can also feel some kind of gun holster pressed against my lower back. "Whoa Darlin" I hear his southern drawl speak out. "What happened to you, eh, there's no time to bother with that . Mercy!" and with that darkness pulls me into its clutches as I passed out in the hands of the then stranger.

~End of flashback~

My hand-me-down revolver fits perfect in my hand as a begin to fan. "Hey Darlin', you planin anything after this. " I hear McCree yell out to me. "No plans, as of right now. Just hoping that I live to see after this." I smile at the cowboy. "Well want to catch a movie, I was thinkin of a old western." He smiles and fires around himself and me. "No way, I ain't watching one of your weird westerns, Chuck Norris!" I yell back at him. "That is no insult, if anything I would be proud to have that title." He spits back with that same smile that sends every girl swooning. "Ya, ya, Just keep you eyes ope-" I let out a small yelp as I fall. " You know, for a girl who says she doesn't like me, you sure do keep fallin' for me." He smirks as He catches me. His left arm wrapping tightly around my waist. "Whatever McCree." I smile back and get out of his grip. I feel that certain charge. I flip on my com and send out my message. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm ready to paint the town red." I hear static and then Junkrat answers. "Listen kitty, I need you. Here. Like, now. I'm trapped and so I need you to paint to town red and then I'll light it up. Deal?" I think about it for a second and then answer to the crazy Aussie. "I'll be there in a sec, hold on" I hear the signature giggle from the other end and then comes his response. "Alright, See ya Love." My face heats when I hear the last word. 'love' errr. I wish I was his Love. Ohhh! The things I would do just to be his. "Get over there Kitty or should I call and tell them that you're in heat. " McCree mutters. "Don't die, see ya, love ya." I say to the angered cowboy. "ya, see ya, love ya, don't die." I hear him say back as I begin to speed off. I speed of in the direction of the rat and throw myself into my second top speed. The world wips past me as I run. Why must McCree act like that, I mean I get that he basically flirts with anything that walks on two legs and talks, but this is ridiculous. This isn't the first time he's said something that makes me bashful. "tell them that you're in heat?" who the hell even says shit like that. Why McCree, Why! "Hey Kitty I'm right here love. Don't tease me with your presences." I hear a slightly shook Junkrat say. "Oh! Sorry Junky, I was off in my own little world." I mutter back as I meet him. The crowd around us are very scary and I understand why Junkrat wanted help. "So rat, Are you ready to paint that town red?" I say with a gleam in my eye. "only if we get to burn it down after!" He yells matching the gleam I have. "Ladies and Gentlemen start your engines!" His call rings out mixing with mine. "let the red run!" I speed off like there is nothing holding me back. My claws slash through the healer of the team along with the rest that are around us. Power is literally surging through my body as the crimson liquid slashes on my coat matching perfectly with it. The victory chime rings loud in both mine and Junkrat's ears. 'The play of the game' ends up being reworded to a Bastion. Ha! a shocker there. Am I right guys? Anyway I head back to the base along with Junkrat. Once in the base I make a B-line for my room. I gather my clothes and head for the bathroom to wash all the blood off of me. As I walk to my destination I notice Junkrat waiting outside of the bathroom. "So you gonna take a shower or whatever you're waiting for." I say with a nod. "Oh, well I was going to take a shower but the ape is in there bathing. You know if I get in there and the pipe is clogged with fur I'm going to be pissed." I look at him for a few seconds. "And what if it was red fur that was in the pipe? Would you be pissed then?" I look him dead in the eyes. I know the struggle of having fur and trying to keep it from disturbing the pipes and trying to make sure that it doesn't bother anyone. "Well, of course not. you have short fur, that wouldn't be that much of a deal." Junkrat says quickly having the sense of hurting my feelings. "Well even the shortest of fur builds up. Anyway can we get to the fact that you are actually taking a bath or shower, since when do you do that sootball?" I smile and run my finger down his face having it coated with the soot that wiped off on it. "Since someone splattered half of my body in blood." He quickly gives the statement with a smile as he gestures to his left arm and leg along with his torso."ha-he, sorry about that. When I'm using my ult things can get a little out of hand" I smile meekly and rub that back of my neck. "Oh, well I guess you really do paint to town red, eh?" he smiles as he wraps an arm around me. "Hey listen, this may sound a little weird but, could you maybe help me with my bath. Normally Roadhog would but he's out for the day and you're really the only person I would trust to help." Even though his face is caked with soot and dirt I can still see the tent of red blossoming on his cheeks and bridge of his nose. "Before you get the wrong idea just know that when I have to bathe I have to take my prosthesis off. See that's when help comes in handy. Roadie usually cleans the places that I can't. I won't make you do anything weird, cross my heart and hope to die burn my lungs and curse my eyes" (anyone get that reference) His promise makes me smile and I slowly agree to the statement.

The door opens to reveal a wet Winston. His fur lightly dripping catching my eyes. His sculpted chest with his rippling(that word.. omg...XD) abs. His glasses are slowly beginning to steam up just like my emotions. I begin to imagine what all I could do to him. Damn my animalistic side. "Well Hello (Y-N), Jamison. Where is Roadhog. I'm aware that you needed to take a bath and that you also need assistance.... Wait. Is that what (Y-N) is here for?" His deep voice rings in my ears as I answer with a quick nod. "Well then let me get out of you way and then you two can continue with what you were doing" Winston leaves use to go and do our thing.

We both enter the bathroom and I begin to run the water. "Cold, warm, or what" I hear a small shuffle from behind me and then the answer cuts through the silence. "I always take cold baths. They help me cool down." I smile at the answer and then begin to run cool water. "Ya, that's usually what I like. Hot blooded people need some cool water every once in awhile. Am I right?." I begin to remove my shorts when I hear him fire back. "Well ya. Hot people, like you need it." My breath hitches at his sentence. He fades out at the end, but I heard what he said. "So is it ready" My attention is drawn from my current state. My head turns to see Junkrat standing with his hands placed firmly over his own privates. My eyes begin to widen as they follow his arms down-words. "um- I - um. Ya I'm- it's ready" I stumble over my own words. He makes his way past me and sits down on the edge of the tub. I put a bunch of bubbles in the tub so that we would have some decency. He slips off his prosthesis and positions himself into the tub. Now lucky for the both of us that the bathtub is big enough for for Winston and Roadhog to fit in at the same time and they would still have extra room. The tub is basically a small swimming pool, but I guess that it would have to be big due to the inhabitants of the house.

(Anyway you lovely ladies don't want to hear about the bathtub. You want to hear about what going on in that bath tub. If you know what I mean)

I strip completely and slowly submerge my body into the cool water. The chocolate axe scented bubbles tickle against my lower neck and the top of my chest. "Nice choice sheila, How did you know that I liked this kind." Junkrat smiles that trademark smile. "So, how do you and Roadhog do this." I smile back while grabbing a washcloth that was folded up next to the tub. "Well, Mako usually washes the areas that I can't get, ya know due to me lossin' half me limbs." For some odd reason his accent has become much thicker. I guess that it's something about not being with the team that brings it out. I mean I'm not complaining though. I love his accent. "Alright. Let's wash our hair first. I really don't want to get soot in my hair from bathing. Imagine explaining that to people." I Jokingly say as I dip my head under. I begin to pour shampoo into my hand once my hair is wet. I spread the hair helper into my hair and begin to scrub as I watch Junkrat struggle with his. "Hey Junkrat, give me a sec and I'll help with that." I say happily as I go to rinse my hair off. My so called beautiful (h-c) locks accompanied by my fur becomes ten times darker. I slide over to where Junkrat is and I give him a hand signal to show him to turn around. I pour his shampoo into my hand and then I begin to scrub. The built up soot and grease slowly begin to layer off. "Jamie" His voice rings out through the silence. 'hu?" I question. "Call me Jamie." I can hear the smile that he has in his voice. "(y-n-n)" I say the nick-name out load. Funny, I've never told anyone to call me that. When they do they normally get punched and by they I mean McCree. "That's awfully cute!" I hear him cheep. "Oh ya" I comment. "Yup! But not as cute as you are though." His left hand reaches up and finds mine. His hand runs over mine and then drops again. I smile as a mischievous thought pops into my head. My hand tangles in his now clean hair. I give the bundles of blonde hair a teasing tug. "mmmm....." His moan rings out as if he was fulfilling a wet dream. I slide the body past his to where we are face to face. "Hey Jamie, ever heard of a Junkcat?" I smile and tilt my head. He shakes his head no. "Okay, what about a Crimson Rat." He smiles and shakes his head no again. "Would you like to know what they are?" He smiles and nods his head yes. "okay!" I smile and then jump him. I no longer have a problem with being almost naked around him. My fur covered skin collides with his smooth muscular frame. My lips smash against his and he waists no time with the kiss. His hands run up and down my (b-t) {no body type shame here]. The kiss doesn't last but a moment but it feels like a millennium. "That kiss was explosive!" His pun makes me laugh and I give him another kiss before helping him clean off and getting out. "So do you mind coming my my room the watch a movie." He speaks out as he puts his arm and leg on. "Sure thing freckles." I smile and place my hand over the side of his face covering the beautiful spots. "I love ya (y-n-n)" He says as he stands. "I love you Jamie." I say as I tiptoe to meet his height. He kisses me and then carries my bridal style to his room where I spend the rest of the night

watching movies. What else would you expect

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