Victor Zsasz x reader

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Gotham. What a pathetic city. Gotham, the city of evil and to some fun. Some like me especially. Oh, where are my manners, I'm (l-n), (f-n) (l-n).  I'm just your everyday doctor, well only in the day, at night I become the Siren's Shadow. One of the most feared assassins and the only female to play with the big boys. So, I'm here to see what the deal is  with penguins license of whatever. Come on evil is fun, don't put a restriction  on it. 

My high heel boots click against the cold cement of the sidewalk, the moonlight reflected in the puddles in between the sidewalk and road, giving the site a true city feel. Hmm, now where could that little trouble maker be. I wonder if it could be this completely inconspicuous nightclub. I walk through the doors, finding a frozen man in the center of the club. Behind the ice boy is the bird himself. "Excuse me Mr. Cobblepot, I'm here for a little chat so don't have the egg head shoot me." I motion my head to the one and only Victor Zsasz. "Of course Miss Shadow, or can I say (Y-n). I was expecting you to show up eventually. I've had many try to kill me, many who want to have the license. I was just waiting for a challenge for Victor or a suitable client"  His smirk never falters as he nods to a private booth.

 My legs carry my body to the booth and before I know it I'm sitting across from the disco vampire haired freak. "Now that I have you here I want to talk about the license. What's the big deal and why do you have the power to give them away? How the hell does this make you look good?" I say after ordering a the emperor mix. That drink name is stupid on its own, I hope it tastes better than it sounds. Penguins' smile grows "Well you see (Y-n), The big deal is that you can't do anything without them, I have the power to hand them out because the GCPD is to scared and stupid to do anything and it makes me look good because the media believes everything I tell them and they think it's for the greater good. The Gothamites will hope for the best and you tell them your doing that, they'll trust you with there lives." I sip on my drink. I'm shocked, not only by the explanation but also by the drink. Much better than I would have ever expected. "So,Oswald, may I call you Oswald, what would happen if someone was to, oh I don't know, kill you." I smirk and take another drink of the beverage. 

Penguin shifts his eyes behind me and then I hear the unmistakable click of a gun, and that's when survival mode kicked in.  "He'll handle that, just like he always has. Although I could hire another, just as good, but (y-n) is that really you?" I calmly take another sip of my drink and glance at the reflection on the glass. hmm a Beretta 92 pistol, not bad but I would have expected more from Zsasz. With in a few seconds my instincts were in action. I flipped back around and while doing that I scoped the area. Victor was the only one besides the bird. Once flipped over the back of the booth I targeted Zsasz. My hand smacked the pistol away from him and in the same movement grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back. I pushed his other hand in to mine and pressed to his back with the other. While my right hand and left knee had his hands down I grabbed another Beretta from his sling; cock and place it against his head. 

"What do you think?" I say raising my eyebrow in a teasing manner. The bird smirks and nods his head. I place the safety back on the Beretta and released Zsasz. Victor holds his hand out awaiting for his property. "Hmm? Oh, yeah! your gun, say, why do you have this gun and not a 'better' one. I would have expected you to have a high tech one." I speak softly and then that voice turned into a mumble. The end of the sentence was said so low that I'm surprised that he didn't question what I said. "It may not be 'better' than most guns but it's my favorite. So, what do you say me and you go training?" He smirks. "Um, sure that sounds awesome." I smile back. "Hey boss, I'm training the new recruit, be back soon."  His voice had changed from playful with me and professional with the bird. We leave the club and turn a corner. "Alright let's train." I hear Victor mutter as his hand wrapped around my wrist and before I know it I'm pinned to a wall. "What, no first date? At least treat a girl before you get physical." I smirk satisfied at his reaction. Confusion mashed his face into a almost adorable state. "You truly are something (y-n)." I feel his grip remove from my wrist. "You don't know the half of it." I shake my head. 

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