Forbidden Streets

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So as I was walking home from school I passed the creepy neighbors house and they had even more people.I laughed and said.Its probably some gang stuff I laughed in the voice in my head.15 a
minutes later Hayden caught up to me .As we did 2 years straight we gave each other homework answers.Its was something in History.So Joshua you wanna explore Hayden asked.Umm Sure I said happily.We went exploring in this amazing huge jungle like forest.Yes Joshua you will never take over my tree castle Hayden said loudly.We were playing something called Jungle Castle Makers but it was fun either way.After we got tired of splinters and cuts and hitting each other hard with sharpened sticks we called a draw and we both got a princess.On our way home no one was in the creepy house .Hey Hayden you wanna explore Dracula Mansion? Ok sure said Hayden. As we walked in to the creepy house we got an horrible feeling. Around the house was a bunch dirty clothes. We saw a mini posters Hayden told me not to go any further  but i wanted to So I persuaded him to come with.So as we went further in we found many Guns phones and our neighbors customized picture frame.Me and Hayden first thought was a coincidence but 1 min later we knew they were stealing then there was a door black door with 3 lock pad number codes on there.So we got 4 feet away from the creep door .Then we heard 6 car door slams.

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