Secret Tunnels

13 0 0

On my 13 birthday and Hayden's 14 we were basically brothers nothing could break our bond.So after booking it out the back door on our way out of the backyard we saw 10 to 15 gardening and digging supplies so they wouldn't notice if we took some stuff. Months passed and me and Hayden months before go the idea to dig from a secret spot in the forest to go around the creeps house and ours.Every day it got harder to make time for digging then hanging out.But we managed to push threw and finish all the tunnels so far we called it quits.We investigated and made the biggest plan,1.Find pipes to clog a then clog them.
2.Get after the pipes clog then pull that part of the tunnel to collapse so they can't find the tunnels and the pipes.3.Get cutters to cut off locks and charge phones for evidence

Ok so Hayden check list go I said sour fully, Ok so I got our cutters,map and the pipe to collapse the tunnels, and the rags to block up the pipes, and the check list on how many people are in the house,and the house map Hayden said dreadfully.Ok got everything it's go time.So as we got in our 4 foot tall tunnels and made our way to the pipes.We found the pipes and me and Hayden each plugged up 2 pipes.And the water started breaking and pressure built up .We booked it and made it to the backyard we watched all but 2 people leave but we were desperate.So we got further into the creepy dorm I heard more yells and I was scared and so was Hayden but we were dumb So kept moving forward.
We got to the black door,We cut all the locks and when we cut each lock we tensed up in slow motion not to make noice.Before we opened the door I said Hayden get the phones.Umm Joshua I kinda, you gotta be kidding me,you forgot our phones I said in a whispered yell.Im sorry but you gave me a big check list you know how I am with those Hayden insisted.Fine let's just open it I said and that was the biggest mistake me and Hayden ever made.There was so many weird posters I wish I never seen and right in the middle we saw a man a tall man leaning over a smaller look-in man with a gun over him me and Hayden stood in shock and watched as the  man. Pulled the trigger and blood went on all walls and my shirt and Hayden head after the gun shot and a minute of thinking it looked like the man he killed was our new neighbors the people that was here right now wasn't the original neighbors.

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