Away From Home

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In my head I said a couple of words I've never said.The man turned and said Hey what the heck are y'all doing here you dorks come here it will be quick!Me and Hayden said you gotta catch us.Me and Hayden played ring around the roses and when the man tripped and fell on my pocket knife me and him ran and hid .the man fired off random shots to make us make a noice so he'll know where we are.We never budged.I guess the man thought we went outside he left and we left faster than a cheetah on a big fat animal.We didn't go through the tunnels cause I bet you they were looking in there.OH crap Joshua our tunnels lead to only there house and our house we need to block the tunnels.So on our way there we took the shovels and blocked all the holes.We ran home and the worst thing happened.Ok Joshua Hayden parents and I have decided that we are going on a vacation and you and Hayden are old enough to stay here. it will be 5 days and y'all can talk about it upstairs alone.Yes I said triumphantly What the crap is wrong with you Joshua Hayden said angrily.Hayden think about it,We are alone so we could catch those criminal murderers.Ok fine but if we die I'm blaming you said Hayden.Umm I don't know how thats gonna work but ok ?I said amusingly .So it's been 3 days and dad just left 2 hours ago.Ok Hayden check list.You gotta be kidding me Joshua.Hayden come on just do it.Ok fine,ok check list go
1.Flashlights,be be gun,phones,backpack mini baseball bat,$15.24. Ok looks like we have every thing.Ok let's go I said nervously.So as we were waiting for the freaks to leave I was playing with the fidgetspinner and Hayden was playing with a fidget cube.Then We heard more than one car door open or slam.Then We looked out the window and saw 3 full Black vans with in total at least 20 t0 30 people.So again we booked it to the back Door.Oh and Hayden I brought a lighter and some firecrackers I said.Wait why want that on the checklist Hayden said thinking.Cause if that was on the checklist dad would have found it.I said.Oh good thinking Joshua let's stop talking cause we are talking to waste time cause we are scared.Hayden said.Ok let's not chicken out and let's go in there I said.The door I opened was louder than ever.Probably because we were scared and we were quit but either way I had to.As we opened that door the house was a even bigger mess than before .We went through different rooms looking for good hiding spots just in case.We each found 2 to 3 different spots in 3 minutes.After that we went into the black door room and there was no locks on the door but a number code lock.i thought of numbers that they would use.666 didn't work so I tried the house code 581 and it worked so we slowly opened it 4 inches then I stopped Hayden and said.Hayden are you sure about this?Yes Joshua who ever that was we need to help them if he even is alive I was terrified and peed a little.We opened the door and on the walls was someone's writing it said .Sorry Leader but 2 kids saw me and I will get them I have 30 to 40 members to take on 2 kids.We were scared and Checked if the man was alive I was scared cause I should have told dad.Our minutes are out on each of our phones and I haven't seen our neighbors in hours.The man isn't breathing or moving said Hayden breathing heavily.Lets go before.We heard car doors close and the Handel being fidgeting with. so we grabbed our stuff and left as fast as we could!To our back yard.What was in the driveway was a Black SUV and 3 men where about to get out.Me and Hayden ran as fast as a Tiger to the front door and locked all the doors ran up stairs to pack up and get ready to leave.I smashed my piggy bank and grabbed what I could.I usually have a different amount of money hidden around my room.But I grabbed my phone charger and in total on me I had $47.95,Bee bee gun ammunition.And the stuff already in my bag and Hayden grabbed phone charger and some money he didn't tell me how much we were in a rush.the door blasted in big BOOM and me and Hayden to shelter in the room I also had a secret stash of a enormous amount of food and candy.I put my desk against the door and other big heavy objects.We put multiple blankets on all the windows in the room."Knock Knock Knock"

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