Scattered Fights

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The knock on the door scared us so bad.Our instincts said nothing like literally do nothing.We sat there barely breathing.we heard door steps go down stairs and we peeked out the window and watched the men go back to the SUV.They never left so I thought they were waiting for us to get back home.Hayden,When it gets dark we won't know where they are.We can't turn in the lights to see,They will know we're here.i said.Ok good thinking let's maybe let's wait them out.No never mind they are adults and we oh crap.Said Hayden.What,What is it.I said.The phone is ringing it might be our school said Hayden.The last two days we missed school.So I guess there just checking on us.Hayden we have to answer that phone,impersonate my dad Then hang then have enough time to come back up here and blockade the door.i said.Ok you don't gotta be so sarcastic Joshua, Said Hayden.Joshua the phone stoped ringing,Said Hayden.We heard a man with a deep voice talking,Saying he is our uncle and is watching us for a few days.We didn't budge,I bet you he was trying to make us yell or scream.Joshua What are we going to do,Said Hayden.I don't know,I said whispering.

3 Hours Later

Oh I got an Idea,I said.What is is Joshua!You took your time,Hayden said.Oh be quiet Hayden, I don't see you coming up with ideas,I said.Ok,Ok,What's the idea,Hayden said.Ok,Me and you are the greatest climbers in this town,So let's let this man in,Go HAM on him,Knock him to the ground then climb on the roof,Then do what we do best.Whats that,Said Hayden?We improvise!I said.Ok so let's do this.I said.Oh Joshua the man is waiting down stairs I heard them talking said Hayden.Ok so let's pack up some weapons and get ready to fight!Ok so don't mess up he has a gun,we have not shootable weapons.I said,So as we knock on the door.Then open it,We heard the man sprint up the staircase.I was standing on the desk with a bat,So when he ran in bam knock him off his feet.The man ran in,"BAM"I nailed the man right in the head.He dropped to the floor faster than I flop.Then a second man came up the stairs not according to plan.I went bananas on the man on the ground then."BOOM",Hayden nailed the second man in the...........Well you know,With a lamp!We would not let off .I screamed,Hayden!Remember the plan disarm him.The only man with a gun was the second guy.Hayden disarmed him,then threw the gun threw the window shattered the window.We climbed for our life ,helping each other on the roof.We ran as fast as we could in balance.I said Hayden aim for the mini pool!Joshua throw our bags on that messed up year ago my dad was driving then,"Skeerrrt"He ran into a deer and totaled the truck.Ok Hayden back up as far as you can,Then aim for that mini pool!I yelled.We ran,Then,Felt like the eagle,Souring around the sun set,On a cool breeze.Then the impact hurt so bad,I wanted to cry but I was to scared to cry.Joshua let's go Run!Hayden Said yelling!We grabbed our bags and booked it to the front.Before we left I got in the black SUV.Pulled a prank,And I pulled off the parking break then took my lighter,And lit up the seats.Me and Hayden laughed,We haven't laughed in 2 days.We ran straight to my old neighbors new Gold cart.Apparently,it could reach 50 miles per hour.Me and Hayden looked at each other and smiled.Oh heck yeah,I said.What is it Joshua?Asked Hayden.The keys are still in here.So Then We cranked it up,We went faster than i street racer,Well so we thought.we got about 3 miles and,"BANG".The Vans not the SUV,were behind us,We noticed a leaning on one side.Then turned and found that they shot out one of our tires!Oh crap,Hayden do you have anything to block that hole?!Oh yea yeah,I have duck tape!Ok,put the tape on any part of the wheel,And the tape will automatically rap around at least go until they aim the gun again!I said screaming terrified.So Hayden did,We took a crazy Z turn into a "Abandoned Elementary School".We parked in such a fast pace We almost flipped.We Parked to the keys and booked it again, and again.We ran into the school and we blocked the front doors with,4 desks,5 Chairs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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