I was sitting in the front of the bus with the boys and I couldn’t believe that I have a sister. I mean I knew that dad had a past, but a sister? Why wouldn’t he tell me? We don’t have the best relationship. He wasn’t really there when I was growing up, but he’d sent a birthday card, and helped pay for my school and everything. He was still there. I was in complete shock, he just abandoned her.
“Bro... bro you alright?” Michael snapped my out of my thoughts.
“Um… yeah... I’m fine... just a little shocked is all...” I replied. “What do you guys think of her?”
“She’s beautiful. Did you know you had a sister?” Luke commented.
“No. Dad never told me.”
“Dude, how do we introduce her to the other boys? They know, but they don’t know at the same time. She seems like she has had a lot of things that has gone wrong in her life. I mean she was short with her answers and she always had this quiet, sad look on her face.” Michael was thinking out loud again, he always did that.
“Umm... I don’t know... UGH why did dad just spring this on me?!? I’m going to go talk to her.”
“I wouldn’t do that bro. She’s been crying, ever since she came out of the bathroom, and I think she just went to sleep.” Ashton commentated, finally coming out of the bathroom.
“Wait she’s been crying?” They all gave me a knowing look. I know I just met her and all, but she’s my sister and I can’t think of anything to do, but tear her walls down and have her become comfortable with me. She’s my sister and I love her and care for her, even if I’ve only known her for like a couple hours. She’s my sister.
I grabbed my phone and texted the boys in the group chat knowing they’d be up and about.
C: Hey guys... we just picked up my sister. Her names Anna. And she’s not exactly in the best state. Just be gentle with her, let her become comfortable with you before you start to act like you. This is especially for you Louis. And Harry stay away, all of you. I just met her and I don’t want to lose her. So my sister is off limits.
The boys all received the text around the same time and their eyes shot up after they finished reading it and gave me a nod, signaling that they understood.
Louis: Yeah okay man… I’ll try to control myself.
Liam: And we’ll keep him in check don’t worry.
H: I promise. She’s your sister, ill respect ya man.
N: Don’t worry mate, we got you.
C: Thanks guys. It really means a lot. How bout tmr for breakfast we go out and yall can meet her?!?!
They all replied with a “sounds good” or “yeah” something along those lines. I closed the iMessage app and clicked on the Twitter app.
“@Calum5SOS: Hey beautiful 5SOS fam just thought id tell you that my sister Anna is joining the tour. Please don’t send hate, she’s one of the sweetest girls. I know she’ll love you guys, so return the love! Thanks Love yall!!”
I didn’t know if tweeting out that I now have a sister was the best thing, but they were bound to find out, and at least the rumors would be kept to a minimum. And hopefully they won’t send hate.
My mentions were going crazy, each with a comment along the lines of, “any sister of calums is a sister of ours,” and “YAY! A new addition to the 5sos fam!!!” This is why I love our fans. They care for us and those that we love.