I'll Forget All The Diamonds You Ate

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I woke up to the sound of the rooster. My wake up call. I looked out the window of my room which I shared with my two brothers, Gerard and Mikey. My name is Jacqueline. Jacqueline Eve Way. And today is my first day in work as the servant and personal assistant of the Prince in the Royal House. The Royal House where the King, Queen, Princess and Prince of England live. Well, them and some servants and some relatives. My best friend, Rebecca, got me the job. May I mention Rebecca is completely and utterly in love with my older brother, Gerard? She has been for the past year and a half.

"Jacky! Rebecca is here so you two can go to the Royal House!" Gerard called to me. I got up fast and changed to my uniform that was given to me the day before. I brushed my slightly curly black hair and let it fall to my mid back. I put on my shoes and got my hair fixed in a formal but casual braid.

I went to the kitchen to see Gerard talking to Rebecca.

"Good morning Gerard, Rebecca." I greeted them.

"Good morning." they replied. I went next to Rebecca.

"Should we go?" I asked her. She nodded.

I grabbed my cream colored shawl and headed out, after Rebecca. We walked down the road to the Royal House. On our way there, we came across Derek, a nice and handsome man who had called for me a couple times already. He was caring and all but he just wasn't the man I imagine spending the rest of my life with. He was a tall man. He had blonde hair slicked back and was well built.

"Good day, ladies." he greeted us.

"Hello." we answered.

"Where are you girls headed?" he asked, eyeing me a little too much.

"Uhm...we were headed to work. To the Royal House." I said.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh. You work there now?"

I nodded. "Yes. Actually it's my first day. And since it's my first day. I wouldn't want to get there late." I told him, giving him a smile.

"Oh. Okay. Well I shouldn't keep you ladies any longer. Good day, now." he tipped his hat and walked off.

I rolled my eyes and Rebecca giggled. "Wow. He just didn't try to hide it now, right?" she asked me as we started heading to the Royal House again. I nodded, agreeing with her.

When we finally got to the gate, the guard let is in. We walked up the steps and went inside. It was...huge! But it was so beautiful. There was a huge chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. There was two flights of stairs that curled to make them look like one half circle. We went into the kitchen where the head servant, Marie, was at. She gave us our instructions and we started right away.

I was cutting some carrots to put in the pot along with the other vegetables to make a stew. I was alone in the kitchen while Rebecca, Marie and the other servants were off doing other jobs like tending the garden or cleaning up rooms. I heard footsteps walk into the kitchen and ignored them, since I thought it was just another servant. I was surprised when I heard a male voice.

"Hello there." the voice said.

I turned around to see Prince Franklin Anthony Iero Jr. standing there, with a smug smile on his face.

I did a curtesy and answered with a, "Good day, sir."

He walked next to where I was and got an apple. He bit into it and smiled at me. He was handsome. I've only had a glance at him maybe once down the road, so I hadn't had time to take a good look at him. Now that I could, I saw he had a perfect everything!

He had a perfect nose, perfect jawline, perfectly combed hair, perfect hazel colored eyes, everything I tell you!

"I'm Franklin Iero. And the name is..."

"Jacqueline. Jacqueline Eve Way." he raised an eyebrow.

"Might you by any chance be related to Gerard Way?"

I nodded. "I am. I'm his younger sister."

"I've heard great things about him. They say he's a great horse trainer." he said, eating his apple.

"Yes. He is indeed." I said. He was well known around these parts of England.

"Hmm. Well I was waiting for my new assistant. Do you know who he is?" he asked me.

I blushed when he said 'he'. "Actually, it's a 'she'." I said. He raised his eyebrow. "I'm your new assistant." I told him.

"Oh. Sorry about that. I just thought it was going to be a man." he informed me.

"Don't worry, sir. I wouldn't blame you. Would you like anything?"

"Actually, a tea would be good. You can bring it up to my room. And please, just call me Frank." he told me, with a smile.

"Okay si- I mean, Frank."

He smiled at me again and I returned the smile. He turned and left the kitchen. I turned around and started making the tea. I put the lid on the pot and let it cook. I got the tea on a tray and headed up stairs. I knocked on his door.

"Come in." I heard Frank say.

I opened the door and walked in. I saw him on his desk, reading something. I stayed by the doorway. Frank looked up and motioned me to walk over to him. I did, and set the tray next to his hand. He went for the cup of tea at the same time I did and our hands touched. I took my hand away, fast.

"Sorry." I said. My face was flaming.

"Don't worry about it." he told me, smiling. He took a sip of his tea. "Thanks, Jacqueline. You can go know."

I did a curtesy, took the tray, and went to the door.

"Oh and Jacqueline."


"Please, don't curtesy to me. It makes me feel old." he told me and smirked.

"Your not old. Not at all..." I mumbled under my breath.





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