Introducing & Disliking

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I woke up to my usual wake up call, the rooster. I opened my gray green eyes to see Gerard still asleep and Mikey missing from his bed. He probably got up early, excited for his new job.

I decided to wake up as well. I took a quick bath. I changed to my usual attire and went to the kitchen to see Mikey already ready to go.

"Hey Mikey. You ready?" I asked him. He nodded. We walked to the Royal House, talking about random things. When we got there, we headed inside. I went to where Marie was, she was supposed to tell Mikey what to do.

"Actually, Prince Franklin should be here any minute with Raymond, Olivia, and Gemma. You can just go outside and wait for them to help with the luggage." she told him, and smiled.

"Yes, m'am." Mikey responded and went outside to wait for the carriage.

"Jacky, honey, why don't you go outside and wait with your brother? There isn't much to do anyways. They might need more help over there than in here."

"You sure, Marie?" she nodded. "Okay then." I went outside and waited next to Mikey. A few minutes later, we saw a carriage head to the gates of the Royal House. They were let in and it stopped in front of the house.

Out came Frank followed by a man, who I guess was Raymond, who had brown hair (like in 'the ghost of you' video), two young women, one who had black hair that reached up to her waist and was slightly curled while the other one had perfectly blonde, curly hair that reached to her shoulders. The one with black hair looked like Frank, only she had bright blue eyes instead of Frank's hazel eyes. I'm thinking she was Frank's sister.

The blonde one had light blue eyes, a little dull compared to Frank's sister. But she was beautiful. I was nothing compared to her. And that hurt me, for I was certain that she was Frank's fiancé.

"Michael, Jacqueline, this is my sister, Gemma, my fiancé, Olivia, and my best friend, Ray." Frank introduced them to us. I smiled kindly, at Ray, Gemma, and Olivia. Ray and Gemma returned the smile while Olivia looked at me with a look of pure disgust. I looked away.

"Michael, can you help my sister with her bags? I'll help Olivia and Ray." Frank said to Mikey.

"Sure thing, sir." Mikey said, going over to pick up Gemma's luggages. They all went inside and I followed.

I knocked on Frank's door. My job for the day was over and I was just about to leave. I went in. I looked around and saw nobody. 'Where is he?' I thought. I walked to his desk and felt a pair of arms circle my waist. I felt Frank's soft lips on my cheek as he kissed me.

"Hello, love."

"Hey Frankie." I turned around to him and kissed him on his lips. He cupped my face with one of his hands while the other was on the small of my back. I pulled away.

"We shouldn't do this. What if Olivia sees?"

"She has her own room. And we can just be more careful." he said. He went and locked the door. He came back to me and pecked my mouth. I grabbed his hair and pulled him to me for a kiss. He put one of his hands on the back of my neck, pulling me closer while he put his other hand on the small of my back. He kissed my jawline and went down kissing neck.

"I don't think Olivia likes me." he chuckled and his breath on my neck tickled. He looked at me.

"Olivia doesn't like anybody. Not evenly sister."

"Why did you pick her?"

"My dad said it would be good for the kingdom. I actually think thats stupid. How is it going to be better for the kingdom if I don't love her?"

"What does your mom think?"

"She always told me to follow my heart. She said to ignore what my dad said. I'm following her advice right now." he said and kissed me once more. We pulled apart and kept our foreheads touching.

"Move in here." he whispered.


"Move in here. Your brother can move in here too. You guys can have your rooms next to eachother. I just need you here. I need you close to me."

"I'll tell Mikey and my family about the offer. I'll tell you my answer tomorrow."

"Okay." he kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"I love you."

"I love you too." We broke the embrace and I unlocked the door and got out. Standing there was Mikey. Oh oh...

"Jacky. What were you doing in there?"

"Um...nothing. Frank just asked if we-we wanted to-to m-move in here."

"Frank? Since when do you call him 'Frank'?"

"I-um...he said I could c-call h-him that. We gained trust."

"What kind of trust? You can tell me anything."

"I kn-know. I-I'll tell you at home."


We headed home. After dinner, Mikey and I went outside. We sat on the floor, looking up at the stars.

"Jacky, can you tell me know?"

I gulped. "Um. Well, Frank and I, we've had a..."


"An affair." I said. Mikey stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry Mikey. I know it's bad but I love him. It's just something I can't control. He loves me too, Mikey."

"You love him?"

"Yes, you don't know how much.

"And he loves you?"

"With all his heart."

"Well, I would've liked this to be in better circumstances, but if you guys feel like that, I'm happy for you two."


"Yea. You're my sister and I want you to be happy. Does he make you happy?"

"More than I thought possible."

"Then I'm happy. careful."

"Thank you Mikey. I love you."

"I love you too little sis." We hugged each other and stayed a little bit more time outside, taking in the wonderful things in life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2012 ⏰

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I'll Forget All The Diamonds You Ate {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now