Niall's POV
I walked down the halls, looking for Kat. My phone buzzed. "Meet me at my locker -K"
I raced to her locker as soon as I got the text. She was standing there, getting books out of her locker. I walked up slowly and wrapped my arms around her waist. She turned her head, and nuzzled her head into my shoulders. A smile came upon her face, then slowly trickled away. I turned her around and looked her in the eyes.
"You ok babe?" I asked.
"Yeah its just... Liam and Louis found out we were dating and had a giant fit about it. And.. now I cant even walk into the house without having to talk." She said, tears filling her eyes.
"Its ok. They are just trying to look out for you.." I hugged her, trying to calm her down.
"I know.. but they cant be so protective! I mean, I can date whoever I want and its my life! they aren't the boss of me and.." Now she was yelling. People started looking at us. Think fast. I cupped her face and kissed her. She was shocked, then relaxed. Yeah, that shut her up. I pulled apart and looked into her eyes.
"It's alright, we can get through it, together." I said, kissing her hand.
"Thanks Niall. Gosh have I ever told you that you are the best boyfriend ever?"
"A couple of times, but I don't believe it." I smirked and she smiled back.
The warning bell rang.
"Listen, I gotta go to class. Want me to walk you to homeroom?" I asked.
She shook her head. No I'm good, see you later." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.
I smiled and walked to class.
Harry's POV
"Thanks Niall. Gosh, have I ever told that you are the best boyfriend ever?" Kat said.
"A couple times, but I don't believe it." Niall smirked and she smiled back.
I slammed my locker. uggh what does she see in him?! Just because he's the captain of the football team, and he's popular, that doesn't mean he's better than me. Well, yeah I guess.
I walked down the hallway and entered the class. I sat in my seat and waited for attendance to start.
Zayn sat down behind me and nudged me in the arm. I turned around.
"Hey dude, whats up?" Zayn said.
"Oh nothing.. Just thinking." I said.
"About Kat?"
"No.. why would you think that.. of course I'm not..." He raised his eye brows. "How did you know?"
"Its pretty obvious. You're her best friend and practically spend every hour with her. Why don't you tell her how you feel?"
"Yeah, but she's dating Niall." I said, a look of annoyance on my face.
"Well, it seems that they are going to break up soon. Since Louis and Liam are going to talk with her after school." He said.
OMG they are?!?!
"But doesn't Liam and Lou not want her to date?"
"Yeah but you're practically family. Trust me." He said.
"Harry." the teacher said.
I turned around. "Oh, here." Man, today is going to be a good day. I looked out the window with a grin on my face. Kat Paynelinson you will be mine.