Harrys POV
"God dammit Harry!" I slammed my fist into the wall. My knuckles cracked underneith the pressure. "OOOOWWWW!" i held my fist to my chest. I walked over to the couch and flopped on. I put my hand over my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Harry, why are you such an idiot?
Kats POV
Tears began to stream down my face as i walked through the door. I glanced to see Louis and El making out on the couch, as always.
"So how was dinner with Harry?" Louis asked with a little raise of the eyebrow.
I just stomped up the stairs and slammed the door.
Eleanors POV
I turned to Louis, his face was flushed.
"Was it something I said?" He asked.
just held his face in my hands. "No sweetie. I just think she had a tough night." I kissed him on the nose. "I'll go talk to her." I said as i pulled off the blanket from my lap and placed it on his. "Be right back."
I headed up the stairs to Kats room and knocked on the door.
"Go away."
"Kat baby, its just El. can i come in?"
I heard feet shuffling, and a click on the door.
I opened it. Kat flung her arms around me and began to bawl. I wrapped my arms around her and started to rub her back.
"Its ok boo. Come on, lets go talk about it." I brought her over to the bed and sat her down.
"You wait here, and I'll go make us some hot cocoa, how does that sound?"
"You always know what to say." She said, wiping make up off.
I patted her leg and got up. I walked down the steps to find Liam in the kitchen.
"Is she alright?" He asked, looking up from the pasta he was making.
"Yeah, just some boy problems." I said as i went into the cabinets and pulled out some cocoa packets. I grabbed the milk and mixed them in two cups, and set them into the microwave. I leaned back on the counter.
"Hey, thanks again for everything. I know Lou and I couldnt handle any of these situations, even if we try!" Liam said, pulling me into a hug.
"No problem. She just needs a girl who can talk to her about that stuff." I said as i hugged Liam back. "But you guys will do just fine."
The microwave went off, and i released from Liam to grab the mugs.
"Be back in a little bit." I said, heading up the stairs.
"Ok, but hurry, dinners almost ready." He smiled and turned back to the stove.
Kats POV
"Knock knock." El's voice said behind the door.
"You can come in."
She came in with two pipping hot cups of cocoa. She handed me one, then sat next to me. I took it in my hands, then began to take small sips.
"So, what did happen at Harrys?" She asked, folding her legs in.
"Well, he made us dinner and we watched a movie as usual. But like half way through, he kissed me. and he thought that Niall and I were over and how he thought that liam and louis werent cool with us dating so then the little twirp thouht that he would scoop in and..."
"Woah, slow down love. catch your breath."
i inhaled, then exhaled slowly. "Its just, i thought Harry was my friend. and now he wants to be my boyfriend all the sudden. even though he knows i already have one."
"Thats boys for you sweetheart."she smiled, and i gave a small one back.
"And you guys have been friends since you were little?" She asked, and i nodded back.
"And he started acting like that ever since you and Niall dated?"
"Uh huh."
"It sounds like he's a little jealous."
"Yeah, i guess he is jealous of Niall." i said.
"Do you think he's always liked you?"
"Not really... I mean.. he's always been there and knows how i feel. And whenever i wear that blue dress to special occasions, he tells me.... im beautiful."
El just smiled. "Sounds to me that he's liked you all this time."
"Well, why hasnt he told me?"
"Cuz he's a boy. They all act like that. I mean, I've been dating Lou for 4 years now and he just told me he loves me last year. it takes a while for them. But Lou's been a romantic ever since we started dating..."
I just laughed at that thought. Louis, being romantic?!
"Yeah, I guess." I said.
"So, are we still dating Niall or...?"
"I'm not so sure anymore.." I looked up at El.
"Its your choice sweetie." She said as she got up. Now get some sleep, you have school tomorrow."
She headed out the door.
"She turned her head around," yeah sweetie?"
"Which guy should I choose?"
"What ever your heart says. But I would be thrilled if i were you. two cute boys who like you at the same time, its like a romance story or something." She giggled slightly.
"Night El."
"Night boo."