Chapter XII: Shields or Whitsons?

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"It's only the two of us against the six of them, what now?" Lance asked. Gabriela sighed and put her weapon down. 

"Whitsons, congratulations." Gabriela said, smiling but with her eyes half closed. "Wait, Leader, why let them win without giving them an actual fight!?" asked Lance with an angered expression. "There's 3 times as much of people on the Whitsons side. We can fight them next time, Lance." Gabriela said as she dragged both Toxic and Averill. Lance growled and glared at Chloe and the others, gesturing that this isn't the end.

Back at the academy, it was a normal school day. Normal classes and normal schedule. After their normal classes, everyone had to do something for home. It was Wednesday, so of course everyone would have something extra to do.

Chloe was doing her math, which was somehow easy for her, as well as a project. Lillian was on the school's laptop for her writing assignment. As for France, he rushed out of the closet inside the dorm and barricaded it. Lillian and Chloe's eyes were at France's direction. "France, is there a problem?" Lillian asked. France was panting and sweating as he nodded. "I-I....."

T o   b e  c o n t i n u e d . . . . . . .

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