Rwby Gary Stu

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Name: Llyod Johnson

Age: 17

Height: 1.8m

Weight: Is a secret

Species: Human

Team: LIGT (pronounced as light)

Team status: Leader

Relationship status: Crushing on Yang Xiao Long

Favourite food: Beef jerky

Favourite drink: Earl Gray Tea

Weapon(s): Twin swords that can be joined together to form a bow

Personality: Responsible, honest, caring, kind, sarcastic at times, a bit arrogant

Description: A mint green version of Kaito.

Backstory: He led a fairly normal life. Lloyd had supportive parents and a caring elder brother. He wanted to kill- no exterminate the creatures of Grimm. By doing so, he trained to be a Hunstman. Because of his efforts, he managed to get into Beacon Academy.

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