Ouran High School Host Club Gary Stu

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Name: Haise Fujitora

Age: 16

Height: 1.80 m

Weight: 65kg

Club: The Host's Club, the percussion band

Forte in sports: Golf

Favourite food: Beef Wellington

Favourite drink: Latte

Hobby: Wine tasting

Likes: Writing articles for music magazines, reading, gold diggers (easy to manipulate), rpg horror games, playing percussion band instruments, classical music, dupstep

Dislikes: Cheesy poems, clingy girls, whiny girls, spoiled brats, rap music, getting bad grades

Personality: Cool dude, loves fujoshis, politics SJW, plays the role of the smart dude in class, has no definite persona for some reason

Description: Haise cosplays every single day so he changes he look all the time. The only way to determine whether it is him is his trademark deep and low voice. He cosplays as Levi Ackerman on Mondays, Kagamine Len on Tuesdays, Ouma Kokichi on Wednesdays, Kuro from Servamp on Thursdays, Gary from IB on Fridays, Akashi from Kuroko no Basket on Saturdays and Law from One Piece on Sundays.

Backstory: Haise was extremely bored the minute he was born so he thought of ways to entertain himself. Cosplay looked fun to him so he tried it and found to to be enjoyable. Since he was from a rich family, he was enrolled into Ouran High school. While he was deciding on a club to join he joined the percussion band coz why not? And while his boredom was barely satisfied, he joined the host club. Why not? Plus, he was attracting the girls due to his cosplays. In order to make full use of his time, he joined another club. Thanks to him, the Host's Club had been making more profit.

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