Chapter One: New Neighbors

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The sun was high up in the sky, shining on the busy town of Brighton as the clock struck twelve noon, everyone on the streets were busy doing their daily tasks. Cars honked as they drove along the highway, attempting to merge with the daily traffic. Among the vehicles was a moving van, with its driver hastily squeezing between the other cars to reach the place within the specified time of arrival. The truck made a left and into a less busy suburban road, eventually stopping by a house a few blocks away from where it had turned.

The front door of the house was wide open as a tall, skinny man with green hair has been waiting for them there. The man looked up from his phone and saw the truck, he glanced at his watch and approached the delivery guy with a wide smile.

"Nice, you got here right on time! Too many cars on the road at this time of day, eh?" He commended, his voice high and Irish.

The worker brought out his clipboard and read out the man's name, "Mr. Seán McLoughlin?" He asked.

"Yes." Seán smiled.

"Will you please sign here?" The man gave him the clipboard and the Irishman gladly complied.

"Alright, boys! Let's get movin'!" The driver ordered. Two others jumped from the passenger side and began their task.


Two hours had passed, and the men had already finished unloading Seán's belongings from the truck and had brought them in the house.

"Thank you, kind sirs." Seán said, giving the driver a tip for their job.

The driver did not leave his spot yet, "Uh, Mr. McLoughlin? Will you please sign my daughter's shirt?"

Seán's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the guy unfold a black t-shirt with an image of an eyeball with green sclera and blue iris printed on it.

"You are Jacksepticeye, right? The famous YouTuber?"

The Irishman grinned, "Aw, come on, I'm not that famous! I'm just a guy screaming at video games." He chuckled, signing the shirt with the marker he was provided.

"You've made my daughter laugh whenever she's feeling down, and for that I am eternally grateful."

A single tear slipped out from Seán's eye. "I'm always happy to help, sir." He couldn't help but smile as he handed him back the shirt.

"Thank you very much, Mr. McLoughlin." The man bid goodbye.

"Don't mention it!" He waved, watching the truck drive away. Seán walked back to his new house, still having a wide grin on his face.

On the front porch was a woman waiting for him, she had short brunette hair, bright blue eyes, and a slim frame. She was holding up her phone recording him as he approached her.

"The famous Jacksepticeye bidding goodbye to the moving guys." The woman laughed.

Seán put his arm around her and kissed her forehead, "This is it, Signe. I can't believe we'd be able to afford our own house."

The couple walked into their new home together, genuinely proud of how far they've come, and how strong their relationship had been over the years.

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