Chapter Two: Onslaught

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Signe was persistent, refusing to let her boyfriend go alone. She held his hand tightly like a vice, with no intention of loosening it. He looked into her eyes that were deeply staring into his, the two sharing an unspoken communication.

"Signe, I couldn't risk it." Seán shook his head.

"You can't stop me, Seán. I'm going wherever you go." She replied firmly, still clutching her boyfriend's hand.

Seán couldn't say no.

"Stay close." He said, running his free hand through his green hair, "But if I say run, you run – as fast as you can and away from here."

The unfolding terror outside was suddenly overshadowed by a deafening bang. It was subsequently followed by the lights flickering off along with the other electric home appliances shorting out.

He immediately went to the bedside table with Signe in tow, pulling open the top drawer and taking out a flashlight and a Swiss knife. Seán then led the way out of their bedroom, using the flashlight as their only source of light to guide their way, moving swiftly to the room next door which was the room he used to store all of the gifts and letters that came from the Jacksepticeye community.

"Here." Seán reached for a green baseball bat on the shelf and gave it to her girlfriend.

Hand in hand, the couple began making their way downstairs where it was shrouded in darkness, with only the fire on the road outside shining through the white silk curtains. Seán moved his flashlight around the place to scout the area, the beam shining on the living room that lacked furniture.

Despite the noise outside, he could hear his own heart beating, throbbing in his chest out of anxiety, the fear of the unknown as they continued to walk down the stairs to reach the bottom landing. Signe closely followed him, arming herself with the bat.

They approached the nearest window beside the front door, with Seán carefully parting the curtains to get a better view of the commotion outside. Through the small slit, he could see people running around screaming for help while they were being chased by massive groups of the undead that were growling and screeching after them.

Just across their house was another vehicle on fire, the charred remains of its occupants were being feasted upon by the swarming horde.

He shut back the curtains and making sure that the windows on either side of the front door were locked afterwards.

"To the kitchen."He whispred, his voice soft but clear enough for Signe to hear.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Sean spotted silhouettes of people hobbling outside the window. They were making pained gasps and growls, most of them having their postures contorted to an impossible degree.

"Fuck." Seán immediately ducked behind the kitchen counter pulling Signe there with him.

He then crawled to the cabinet under the sink then took out a hammer and a bag of nails. Signe, on the other hand, slowly stuck her head out of the counter. She saw the shadows of the people still there roaming around in their backyard.

She snatched her portable radio on her counter and a butcher knife from the knife rack before going back into hiding.

"Seán, I don't think we have that much furniture to barricade the house." Signe said upon realizing.

It took a few moments for Seán before he finally responded, "We seal ourselves in the living room until help arrives." He said with much uncertainty, giving Signe the hammer, "Let's go."

Seán led the way back to the living room and Signe immediately bolted the door shut behind them. The man then ran to the living room sofa and pushed it to block the kitchen door.

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