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And there you have it! I hope you guys have enjoyed the very short, originally meant to be just a oneshot, three-chapter story. I knew that the story I wanted to tell would not fit in the 5K word limit, because that'd rush key events that focused on the development of the main characters.

And without further ado, here are my acknowledgments.

To Jacksepticeye, if you'll ever see this, if it wasn't for you this story wouldn't even exist. You are my idol, a role model I look up to, to the extent that I consider you as a friend because of your humility and frequent interaction with the community.

To Wiishu, Seán's former girlfriend, for being the cute little cinnamon roll the community loves and adores. You and Seán were a match made in heaven to me.

To SmoshtasticPhantasy, niellebugayong, forever_unanonymous, &ObsessedWithY0uTube for being the most supportive friends I could ever have, that no matter how the stories end up, no matter what fandom, whether Smosh, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and more, you were there to support me no matter what.

And most of course, to you, reader, either silent or active in the comments section, for checking this out and spending time to read this short story despite it not being like the other septiplier stories out there. Thank you so much, I appreciate every read you've given the chapters. ❤️

Thank you so much!


Also, will you guys help me in promoting this book? I have a feeling it has potential and is good enough for most of the JSE fandom to enjoy. :)

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