Chapter Three: Escape

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Before Signe could react, Marzia launched herself out of the room and onto her like a ferocious beast, extending out her arms sneering and growling as thick drool foamed out of her mouth.Both girls fell to the ground, making Signe drop her phone faced down on the floor with the flashlight still on.

In a split second, just as the beam of the flashlight shone on them, Signe saw Marzia lunge at her with her mouth wide open exposing her bloody teeth.

"MARZIA!" Signe screamed, catching her friend by the neck pushing away her snapping mouth, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Her friend did not reply, she just screeched.

Fear rose to her throat as she looked into her friend's unblinking eyes: The sclera surrounding her brown irises were crimson, the irises themselves showed no expression; it was then that she realized that Marzia was no longer the person she have always known, and that sweet and innocent girl had been replaced by this monster.

"MARZIA! SNAP OUT OF IT!" She pled, using her foot to push her off of her.

The woman was catapulted away from Signe, landing on her neck a few feet away making a loud snap. The woman stumbled back to her feet, eyes fixated on her friend who was slumped on the floor, motionless.

Her entire being trembled, her breathing hitched upon seeing that Marzia was blocking her only way out.

Signe was clouded with emotions;fear was the most dominant as she stepped to the side, making little noise as possible going around the body. She stuck closely to the wall, her hands feeling her way through the dark corridor with the only source of light was from her upturned phone lying beside Marzia.

Silence filled the air. The growls of the undead people waiting outside had faded away while the terrified woman made her way across.

She stopped when the body flinched.

To her horror, Marzia lifted her head from the floor and glared at her.

Signe jolted back into her place, watching her friend contort her arms and legs in extreme angles while she struggled to get up. The woman squirmed on the floor, rolling over to her belly then planting both of her palms on the floor, using them to push herself up. She slowly and menacingly stood up, pausing for a while staring back into Signe's eyes, taking in deep, rapid breaths.

"Please stop." The woman said, while her eyes searched behind her attacker for a possible way of escaping.

The light from the phone shone on both of them, and Signe was able to see her friend: pale skin, frail body, and bloodshot eyes. Marzia was in a menacing stance; her head was like dangling from her crooked neck tilted to one side, the tip of her dark brown hair almost touching the ground as she stood.

Right on Marzia's left forearm, partially concealed by her pink sleeve, was a makeshift bandage where Signe saw a fresh wound bleeding through the cloth.

"Marzia... no." She sobbed.

"SIGNE!" Seán's voiceyelled as a bright beam of light shone on them, making Marzia turn around to face him.

Seán had appeared in the hallway, barely able to stand as he leaned on the wall, clutching his chest while his other free hand holding a flashlight, "What's going on?!"

It didn't take him long to realize what was happening when he saw Marzia.

"Holy fuck."

The reanimated corpse ran at him, head dangling from her neck, gurgling and screaming. She had her arms extended out, her legs stomping on the floor loudly.

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