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"Harry?" Louis whispered, clinging to the phone that was pressed against his ear

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"Harry?" Louis whispered, clinging to the phone that was pressed against his ear. He was shaken up by his own actions, and was stood alone in the tunnel, where he and Sebastian met a couple of guys.

"Louis? Are you alright? You sound anxious love," Harry asked softly on the other side of the phone. Squeezing his eyes together, Louis let out a breathe of relief. Harry's soft, yet raspy voice calmed him and Louis could swear he felt his heart rate slow down immediately.

Sebastian had left him, after their encounter with the guys in the tunnel. Louis had stood shaken, and Sebastian only laughed at the distressed boy. Louis knew what to do, he just needed to talk to Harry. Even though every time he was with Harry, something had to fuck up. He didn't care, he just needed to hear Harry's deep calming voice, it was like music in his ears.

Louis had stood in the tunnel for a few minutes, thinking about what had happened. He went over everything Sebastian had done to hurt him. He came to a conclusion, Sebastian was toxic, really toxic. Louis couldn't keep on going back to Sebastian, not even as friends. He needed to stay away, and ignore him, that was for the best.

"I did something stupid, and I'm freaking out," Louis said, the sentence echoing through the tunnel. Licking his lips, he dried his sweaty hands on his black skinny jeans. He could hear Harry inhaling deeply on the other line, as he anxiously waited for the older boy to reply.

"Should I- I'll come pick you up, where are you?" Harry asked, and Louis could feel his heart skip a beat. His pulse was beating faster, and he hoped that Evan wasn't with Harry. Because he seriously needed some alone time with Harry.

"Y-yeah, 'kay. I'm in the old tunnel," Louis stuttered.

"O-oh, okay. Didn't quite expect that, what are you even doing there?" Harry asked, sounding very confused about why Louis was located in the tunnel.

"Just- I'll tell you when you get here, okay?" Louis replied, biting his lip as he started walking to the end of the tunnel. "Kay' love, I'll be there soon okay? Just walk to the nearest street, so I can pick you up," Harry told him. Louis nodded though Harry couldn't see him. "Yes," Louis replied, swallowing thickly, as he felt his heart rate speeding up.

"Be there soon, stay safe," Harry said. Slowly lowering the phone from his ear, Louis pressed decline. Pressing his lips in a thin line, he inhaled deeply through his nose, as he put the phone back in his pocket.

He waited for about five minutes, before he saw the black range rover pull over to the side. He immediately knew it was Harry, and started to walk towards the door. He kinda felt like he was on his way to court, his head hang low in shame.

Breathing deeply before he grabbed the door handle, his eyes were immediately met by green ones. Unable to keep eye contact due to the level of shame he was in, Louis gaze immediately fell as he got in the car. "Uh, hi," Louis said, making it a whole lot more awkward for himself.

"Hey," Harry said. Louis could feel Harry's eyes on him, studying his face. Turning his head to look out of the window, Louis swallowed thickly and folded his hands in his lap.

"Louis?" Harry said, but it was more like he said it because he wanted the younger boy's attention. Humming in response, Louis kept his head turned to look out of the window, not getting the hint Harry was sending. "Please look at me," Harry requested, almost sounding desperate.

A small 'o-oh' left Louis lips, and he immediately turned his head to look at Harry. A warm sincere smile was planted on Harry's plump pink lips, as his emerald eyes scanned the younger boy's face. "You wanted to talk?" Harry asked, licking his lips as he held a questioning expression on his masculine face.

"Yeah- S' just, I don't know h-how to tell you," Louis stuttered, his heart beating so fast he could hear it in his ears. He didn't know how Harry would react, would he be so disappointed that he would give up on their friendship. Would he think Louis was insane? There was only one way to find out, and that was by telling him.

"I-I, fuck... I stole something," Louis said, feeling how his throat became dry as the desert, he sighed and covered his head in his hands. He was so ashamed, he had never imagined that he would have to say that. "Hold on," he heard Harry say.

"You're telling me that you stole something?" Harry asked, voice unreadable.

"Innocent, little Louis, stole something?" Harry asked, almost sounding like he was gonna laugh. He didn't believe Louis, the younger boy could tell. Lowering the hands from his face, Louis furrowed his eyebrows together and looked sternly at Harry.

Pressing his lips in a thin line, he tried to stop his bottom lip from trembling. This was not the time to joke, and Harry noticed that as soon as he saw tears start to pool in the younger boy's blue eyes. "Oh gosh, I didn't mean it like that. I'm so sorry little one," Harry rambled, reaching out to lay a hand on the younger boy's shoulder. Louis leaned into the touch, rapidly blinking to make the tears vanish from his eyes.

"I just never imagined that you... Yeah, I'm sorry," Harry said, a small sincere smile tugging the corner of his lips up. Shrugging, Louis licked his lips and sniffled quietly. "I'm so fucked up," Louis mumbled, rubbing his small hands over his face in frustration.

"No you're not. What makes you say that?" Harry asked, fondly watching the boy in front of him. Louis chuckled ironically, and shook his head. "You wouldn't understand," Louis replied, sighing and thinking of all of the things that had him fucked. The messages, Sebastian, Evan, Zayn, the scars on his wrist, smoking, his low self-esteem making him starve himself. How could he possibly explain?

"I c-can't explain, I'm sorry," Louis said, inhaling shakily.

"You don't need to," Harry said, keeping his eyes on the younger boy, wondering how on earth such a beautiful creature could think so lowly of himself. Looking up from his lap, Louis parted his lips as he was about to say something, but he stopped when his eyes met Harry's green ones. They stared for awhile, none of them saying anything.

"Do me a favor?" Louis asked, a desperate expression on his face as he held his blue eyes on Harry's. Not even hesitating, Harry nodded almost immediate.

"Hold me?" Louis asked, though it wasn't a question. Body longing to be held, Louis felt the hair on his arms raise as Harry smiled softly and leaned forward towards him. Carefully wrapping his arms around the smaller frame, Harry held him closely. Louis held Harry tightly, feeling the older boy's strong arms around him made him calm. Leaning his head on Harry's shoulder, Louis deeply inhaled the older boy's scent, it was pure bliss.

Louis could feel Harry's heart beating against his own chest, and it just felt so right. Even though none of them wanted to let go, they had to because the position they were in, was getting cramped.

When they had both pulled back from the hug, Louis stared astonished at the beautiful older boy in front him. Even though he couldn't have Harry, he was glad he could be his friend.



Again thank you so much for everything! 66K, it's amazing! You are all so sweet, thank you, thank you, thank you! It means so much to me xx

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