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"Come sit," Jay said, patting the seat next to her on the couch

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"Come sit," Jay said, patting the seat next to her on the couch. Slowly making his way over, he quietly sat down beside her, not making any noise. Folding his hands in his lap, he kept his gaze on the floor. What was she about to say?

"The doctor called," Jay mumbled, sighing shortly after speaking. "They wanna test my blood to see if anything has changed," she sadly spoke. It was clear that she was devastated, and Louis wished that she didn't have to go through this. He wished he could take away her sickness, even if he had to put it on himself.

"How sick are you mom?" Louis asked, suddenly lifting his gaze, to concentrate his eyes on her face.

"I've been getting a few nosebleeds during the day, and I'm constantly tired," she admitted, grabbing his hand and giving it a soft squeeze. Nodding his head, Louis met her eyes, and they both smiled at each other. The thought of losing his mom was terrifying, which is why he tried to stay as positive about it as possible, even though it was a pretty shit situation to be in, and nothing about it was good at all.

"If there's anything I can do, please tell me," Louis begged, giving her hand yet another squeeze. A soft chuckle escaped her lips, as she took her time to slowly nod her head. "Look at you. You're all grown up. Feels just like yesterday that I taught you how to ride a bike," she told him, her voice trembling a bit when talking about the past. You could tell that she was clearly upset.

"And now... I don't even know if I'm gonna see you graduate," she said. Bringing an arm around her shoulder, he pulled her closer. Tears now in his eyes, Louis decided to stop the fire before she put more wood onto it. "Mom, don't think about that," Louis said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, and quickly wiping away a few tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Lou, I am," she cried, clinging to him for dear life. Hugging her back, he inhaled deeply. He had to be strong, even though what even is strong in a situation like this?

"Listen, mom. I'm messaging the girls and asking if they're free tonight. Then we'll have a big family movie night, popcorn and all that. How does that sound?" He asked, trying his hardest to cheer her up. Rubbing her back softly, she sniffled quietly and wiped away a few tears that were sliding down her cheeks.

"That sounds amazing Lou," she admitted, a small smile forming on her face after she took a deep breath. He couldn't help but smile himself when he saw his mom smiling. He wanted to do something special for her, so she could forget a little about her sickness and focus on the good things.

"I know this is so not the time, but could you possibly give me a ride to that café close by?" Louis asked.

He had to find a job and the café was pretty much his only option. He didn't want to work at the supermarket, and other than that there was only the café. Since his mom couldn't work anymore, he thought it was his duty to find a job for himself.

"Uhm, yeah sure. Are you meeting someone?" Jay asked, looking at Louis.

"No, I'm applying for a job at the café," Louis said, smiling at her. Slowly her eyes went wide. "Lou, you don't have to if you don't want to," she exclaimed.

I MET HIM IN THE BATHROOM // l.sWhere stories live. Discover now