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That day when Harry dropped Louis off, Louis locked himself away in his room

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That day when Harry dropped Louis off, Louis locked himself away in his room. Sebastian called him multiple times, but Louis didn't answer. He couldn't believe what had happened in the supermarket. Did he really steal that bottle of alcohol? It was horrible. His phone vibrated on the table, and he let his gaze slide over the new message he had received.



Did I do something wrong sweets? Or are you hurt? Please call me!!

Rolling his eyes back in his head, Louis sighed and threw his head back. Sebastian needed to know that he should stay away, and Louis just hoped he would understand.

To: Sebastian


We can't talk anymore, It's complicated but would you please stop calling me?

Typing the message in, Louis felt some kind of dominating power, which he usually never felt since he was always the shy guy. Waiting for a reply, Louis chewed on his nails, even though they were already gone.



Can you at least tell me what's wrong?

Louis read the message, and shook his head. Sebastian was literally so blind.

To: Sebastian


I'll be honest with you. You always ruin everything for me, and you're so selfish and blind. You literally made me steal something, I don't know if that's a big deal to you? I stood there in the tunnel, all shaken, and you laughed at me, and left? You sexually harassed me, and talked shit about me in front of your friends. I thought we had a chance of being friends, but you ruined that too. We're done, officially.

Louis anxiously typed in the message, and stared at the screen. He was relieved he finally got it off his shoulders, and he just hoped Sebastian would understand that there was no chance of them getting together again, not even as friends.



So are you just gonna forget about me, and everything we've been through?

Louis read the text, going over it a few times. The older one seemed so distant, and non caring. He didn't seem to care that he literally had forced, his cock down the younger one's throat. Thinking for awhile, Louis thought about a backfire.

To: Sebastian


How am I supposed to forget you, when everytime I go outside, I see things that remind me of you, like trash bins and dog shits?

I MET HIM IN THE BATHROOM // l.sWhere stories live. Discover now