Chapter One: Dissapointment can lead to great things

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"I'm starving!" Alex said as she dragged me by my arm into NANDOS. It was Wednesday the 18th of April 2012, and my friend Alex and I were settling in for what was sure to be a very dissapointing night full to the brim of heartache. We had sat all day and listened to girls talk about what they were wearing and tomorrow was sure to be no better. 

"Niall waved at me, Liam blew my a kiss and I talked to Harry," were what majority of conversations would be about tomorrow.

"Alright alright calm your ass down," I replied grabbing us a table.Alex placed the orders and re joined me at our table.

"Amber, I can't believe we couldn't get One Direction tickets. I tried so hard,"she said frowning.

"I know I know, I tired two, but it's ok we can just go next time," I replied trying to smile but I wasn't doing a very good job.

"Selfie time!" I excliamed trying to take her mind off things. I grabed her iphone and snapped picture after picture of myself in various posses, some that were not very attractive at all. My plan had worked and soon enough we were both laughing and eating the delicious food.

"You girls look very fit in that one." a voice said behind me. I blushed bright red and glaced at Alex who was as white as a ghost. I slowly turned around to see a boy in sunglasses and a beanie. I gave Alex a look that said "who is this creep watching us take photos?" but she just stared blankly at me.

"OMG, you- yo-you're Louis Tomlinson," Alex alsmost whipsered.

He laughed and took a seat next to us.

"Yes that's my name glad you pronounced it right. And what are yours loves?" he asked as he removed the sunnies.

"My names Amber and this is Alex," I replied.

"Well then, Alex and Amber, are you lovley ladies coming to the show tonight?" he asked us.

"That's a bit of a touchy subject today," I said.

"Oh couldn't get tickets?"

"There's more to it than that, but don't let us spoil your day." I replied looking down.

"Well that's not a problem. How about you two meet me in two hours outside the convention center and I will see what I can do about you not having any tickets." And with that he rose and left the resturant but not without grabbing a handful of the chips.

"Did. That. Just. Happen?" Alex squealed

"I think so, well that or you decided to take my happiness into your own hands and drug my food." I replied smiling. Alex laughed and looked at me.

"You haven't have you?"

"Come on, let's go get ready!" she said not answering my question.

We hurridly paid the lady at the counter and ran cheering out on the streets of Brisbane city.

I dialled my home phone with shaking hands. "Hi mum you will never guess what, Alex and I got tickets to the concert! I'm staying at Alex's tonight, ok?" everything was fine and I hung up the phone to hear Alex telling her mum to come and pick us up from Anne St. Her mum soon arrived and after preping ourselves for hours Alex's mum dropped us out the front of the Brisbane convention center.

"Alex a thought has just occurred to me, how the shit are we supposed to find Louis TOMLINSON here. I mean there are so many people here and he wouldn't be able to come out because of fans and stuff right?" I asked.

"Uh Amber, I don't think we have to worry about that" Alex replied. She pointed to a picture of Louis sticky taped to the ground. a couple of metres in front was another one, and then another. I grabbed each one as we went around the back of the building, there was no way I was going to let these babies go to waste.

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