Chapter Nine: Always me

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I woke up and rolled over looking straight into Harry's face. His eyes were open and looking straight at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

He blushed and looked away, "No reason" he mumbled quietly. I noticed the change in his voice and tugged him back to me. "I love your hair in the morning, you know." I wrapped one of his curls around my finger.

He smiled, "Not as much as I love yours" I sat up and looked in the mirror beside Harry's bed. My wavy blonde hair was sticking out in all different directions. I groaned and rolled over placing a pillow over  my head which just made Harry smile more and chuckle. He got up and put on his favourite ramones shirt and pants.

"Would you like to help me make breakfast?" I smiled and threw off the blankets.

"I'll race you to the kitchen." I grinned and winked at him.

"One, Two..." I ran on two.

"Hey, you cheater!" He started running after me and eventually beat me to the kitchen.

"You got lucky this time Styles."

"I'll keep that in mind" he said winking.

I suddenly became very aware of a sharp pain around me belly button. I gasped and clutched my stomach.

"Amber, what's wrong." Harry dropped all the ingredients he was holding and rushed over to my side."

The pain stopped suddenly, "Nothing, I'm fine. I  must have just slept wrong or stretched a muscle."

He didn't look convinced. "Actually now that you mention it, this kinda hurts."

He looked at me puzzled and I reached over, took a handful of flour and threw it at him.

"Oh it's on!" He grabbed a handful for himself and threw it in my hair. We had started a fully blown flour fight and weren't quiet about it at all.

"Great breakfast guys," Liam interrupted our fun and stood at the kitchen door shaking his heads.

"I'm disappointed in both of you, you have made such a mess."

We both dropped our heads in silence and I was struggling not to laugh really loudly at the situation.

"Now go and get cleaned up both of you, Harry we need to leave for the studio in half an hour."

We started back towards Harry's room and I pushed him out of the way running.

"Told you next time," I smiled cheekily. "I need to take a shower and get all this flour out of my hair but I will see you when you get home," He gave me a quick hug and I grabbed a towel and headed towards the shower. I let the warm water rush over me and and it felt amazing.  I dried off, threw on my skimpiest pjs (hey no judgement, it was just Alex and I today) and headed downstairs to where Alex was watching The music channel.

"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy!" I sang behind her making her jump. She got up and started to dance around the room with me. We were both singing so loudly that not one of us heard the keys in the front door.  Louis was the first one through the door.

"Hey, if we had of known that you were going to dance around half naked all day we wouldn't have left,"  I looked down at what I was wearing and felt myself blush bright red. I ran for cover behind Harry who had walked in the door last. Zayn doubled over in laughter and Niall moved straight to Alex's side.

I was going redder and redder.

"C'mon guys nothing to see here." Liam came to the rescue. "I'll make lunch then shall I?"

Harry smiled at me, and scooped me up his arms bridal style. "Let's get you some less reveling clothes."

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