Chapter 23

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I wake up at 10 the next morning with all my things packed. I shower and I brush my teeth before getting dressed.

I put on my jeans with a tank top and my denim jacket. Then I put on my white converses.

I take my suitcase and my extra bags downstairs near the front door. My mom is in the kitchen making me breakfast.

"What time are you leaving?"

"I'm going to take the 12:15 flight."

"Okay so eat your breakfast and by the time you're done, your dad and I should be ready to leave."

I make sure that my plane ticket is on my phone before eating breakfast. When I finish eating, I go upstairs to make sure I have everything.

"Are you ready My?" My mom asks.

"Yes, I'm coming right now."

I take my luggage to the car and I put it in the trunk. We get in the car and we pull off.

I text Cameron to let him know what time I should be there.

Me: I'm taking the 12:15 flight and I should be there by 1:30.

Cameron: Okay princess, great. I'll be waiting.

We get to the airport at 12:00.

"Now boarding 12:15pm flight 233 to Richmond at gate D5." The announcement says.

"Okay parents, it's been real. I love you guys."

"We love you too Mya. Have a safe flight."

I hug my parents one more time.

"Call us when you land."

"I will mom." I blow them kisses and I walk to gate D5.

I get onto the plane with a smile on my face, knowing I'll be seeing Cameron once I get off of the flight.

One hour and fifteen minutes later...

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We are now landing in Richmond, Virginia. We ask all passangers to stay seated until the plane has stopped completely and make sure to grab all of your belongings."

I take all of my bags and I get ready for the plane to stop. When the plane stops, I get off holding all of my bags.

I leave the gate but I don't see Cameron right away. As I'm looking for him, I feel someone grab me from behind.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you looking for someone?" I hear him say.

"I think I just found him." I turn around and I hug him.

"Princess, I'm so happy to see you."

"I've waited a day and a half to see you Cameron. I missed you so much."

"Let's get you home." He takes my luggage for me and we walk to his car. Once he puts my bags in the trunk, he opens the door for me to get in.

He gets in the car and looks at me.

"What Cam?" I ask with a smile on my face.

He lifts my chin and he kisses me, nice and slow just like he promised.

"Mmm princess, I've missed your kisses too."

"I see you kept your end of the promise. Do I still get more than my nice and slow kiss?"

"All you have to do is ask."

"Okay, let's see what happens later." I smirk and I kiss him one more time before we pull off.

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