Chapter 6

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We arrive home with summer I put her In the bouncer and put her in the bathroom by the shower so me and nick could have one

Nick - look you had a baby 12 hours a go and you already look skinnier than me

"I have really good matabilsim

we get in the shower and wash ourselfs then nick turns around and kisses me passionately

Nick - you know I'm gutted I have to wait 2 weeks

"I don't know how you will cope with it

Joe - what are you doing to this poor innocent baby making her watch you shower

Nick - hey bro well be out in a second

He takes summer out and I get dressed and nick goes and sits with Joe I go make her a a bottle

"Here uncle joe

Joe - serious

"Yeah you can't kill her

I take a photo

Nick - so what you been up to

Joe - just recording it's weird not being with you and Kevin but you guys have family's now so I'm cool with it

Nick - once you have kids you will understand

Joe - I don't mean to be rude but I really have to go

Nick - nah it's fine thanks for coming

2 weeks later

By now everyone had meet summer and they all feel in love with her nick comes down stairs from Putting her to sleep

Nick - guess what

"What babe

I say looking in to the Fridge

Nick - guess what today is


Nick - summer is 2 weeks old witch means we can have sex again

"I swear you have been counting

Nick - of course

"Come here

He comes over to me pushing me in to the fridge when I grab the whipped cream and squirt it all over his face

Nick - bitch

" Hehehehe I say running away he swops me off my feet and runs up stairs with me over his shoulder and puts me on the bed

Nick - you knew this was coming

" Of course I Did but then I wouldn't of had much fun

I make out with nick getting most of the whipped cream off his face since it was mostly around his mouth we have sex after as I start to fall asleep summer wakes up I couldn't even get nick to do it cause he was crashed out majourly I get up and go in to Summers room where I see Miley hanging over her crib


Nick - what ........... Miley wtf are you doing in my daughters room

Miley - just visiting

Nick - you have no right to be in here or our house now will you please leave

Miley - sure I would just hate for you to brake our agreement tho

"It won't be broken

Miley - and why are you naked

She looks at me and nick

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