Chapter 10

518 6 2

2 months later

I'm still sad about summer dying I mean I always will but I'm used to not having her her anymore nicks been at work lately and I have been home sick with dani who is now heavily pregnant with baby #2 we all think it's a boy

- I run to the bathroom to be sick

"Not again

Dani - you must have a stomach bug ahy babe

"Must be or I'm pregnant

Dani - why would you be pregnant you and nick haven't done it since summer

"We did it like an hour before we found out

Dani - period

"Not yet

Dani - your pregnant and you need to go tell nick

"What if he doesn't want it

Dani - you won't know till you try

"I know fine I'll go now

I leave and walk down the road to where nick was and walk in the door and sit down I watched him record for a bit till her noticed I was there

Nick - hey babe what brings you here

" I have to tell you something

Nick - what babe

"I'm pregnant

Nick - yay but we haven't had sex

"We did the night summer died

Nick - oh yeah

" So your not mad or upset

Nick - of course nt babe seriously as much as we loved summer we have to move on sometime

"That's what I was thinking but I'm glad we're having another especially with dani & Kevin having there's soon we will want one anyway

Nick - of course they are so cute when they are little anyway I thought you were acting different

"What do you mean

Nick - when your pregnant you atc differnt

"Do I

Nick - yep

"Didn't know that

Nick - it's cause your oblivious

"I am not

Nick - yes you so are i could lay naked in bed and you would come in the room and ask what I was doing

"Pffft well you could be doing anything

Nick - I obviously want sex

"Well maybe I was just being sarcastic.

Nick - no your always dead serious

"Oh shut up is any one else here

Nick - why

"So I can do this

I kiss him passionately

Kevin - clears his throat

"You are just always there arent you Kevin

Kevin - pretty much so why are you here

"I'm pregnant

Kevin - really


Kevin - that's awesome ah dani just about to go last minute shopping for the new baby you should go to

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