Chapter 19

502 7 4

2 months later

It was Sophia's first birthday last week and to make it better she just learnt to walk witch we were exited about

Nick - sooooo babe I leave again today are you going to miss me

"Yes what happens if I am pregnant

Nick - tour will be over by the time baby will be due anyway

"Lucky you you won't have to put up with my hormonal ways

Nick - your not hormonal your cute I like it when you want me

"Your only gone for 2 weeks right

Nick - right

"I miss you already

Nick - love you

"Love you to

Him and Justin leave and I sit on the couch with Selena holding Ava and me holding Sophia

"How's Breastfeeding going for you

Selena - I love it cause I know I'm doing something good for her you know

"Yeh same that's why I still occasionally do it my boobs are ruined anyway so why not

Selena - exactly

"In other words when she's hungry and I can't be bothered making a bottle

Selena - it looks like she's pretty hungry right now

"See when the boob is useful Sophia come to mum

She comes over and I cradle her since she's small for a 1 year old and start feeding her

"So nick wants us to have another baby

Selena - that's great isn't it

"Well yeah but I miscarried a couple of months ago what if it happens again

Selena - I didn't think about that yeah I hope you don't it would put a lot of pressure on your marriage

"So do I that's what I'm scared about like we had sex 2 months ago well a couple of times since then I'm to scared to take a test

Selena - Lexi if you are pregnant you need to know now so you know what to eat and drink

"Yeh i know

Selena - go now


I go up stairs take the test then leave it on the counter and wait 5 minutes

"Shit it's done

I walk over and pick it up

~ negative

I ring mum


Hey mum

Hey my darling

Could you look after Sophia for a couple of days

Sure thing but why Hun

I'm going to see nick for a week and it's a hassle bringing her thought you would want her

Oh well thanks for thinking of me so when will you be here

Um half an hour

See you then


I go down stairs

Selena - soooo


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