Chapter 11

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Doctor - everything seems to be fine baby going to be really small but that's okay so next time I see you you will be in labour

"Thanks see yah

Me & Nick leave holding hands

Nick - why do you walk so slow

"Let me think maybe number 1 I'm sorter then you and 2 I'm 8 months pregnant

Nick - oh my god really when we're you going to tell me

"Shut up what are we doing today

Nicks phone rings

Hello nick speaking

~hey nick it's dad

Hey dad

~so I need you in Australia by tonight

What why

~press conference

I'll be there

Nick - going to Australia

"Fun we have the great life just going to Australia for the fun of it

Nick - right let's go then

We get in the car a drive to the airport nick drives on the run way cause I was to pregnant to push through people

We get on the plane and flight to Australia when we get there it was late at night so we went straight to the hotel

Nick - how are you feeling babe


Nick - naw you will be fine it's only tomorrow then we can go home

"Yah I'm going to bed

Nick - no chance of sex then

"Is it going to help me get this thing out faster

Nick - apparently it helps

"Then come here

Nick - do you know how hard it is to have sex with a bump in the way

"Yes it's annoying right

Nick - tell me about it

"Night babe

The next Morning

Nick - wake up babe we have an interview


I get up and put on my jeans that bearly fit my high tops and a really cool top

We leave and go to the Disney studios

Where nicks interview was

I sit on the couch with nick next to me

In - so how have you been nick

Nick - really good I have a new album coming out soon and a baby due any minute now

In- how cool do you guys know what your having

"Nick wanted a surprise so nope but as soon as he or she is born we will tweet

In - thanks for keeping us up to date so are you hanging around Australia

Nick - nope we're actually heading home today

In - oh we'll thank you for stoping in have a safe flight

Nick - thanks

We get up and leave to go to the airport and get on our private jet

Nick - Only a 4 hour flight home babe


I Go on my phone then go on facebook


Nick - what's wrong

"My stomach

Nick - your not having baby right

"I can't tell you that cause I would be lying

Nick - your water hasn't broken yet so your fine un till it does

"Man I forgot how much this hurts

Nick comes and sits behind me and rubs my stomach

I put my head back on his chest

Nick - try have a sleep babe

Nicks POV

I hope her water doesn't break she needs a hospital I look down at her and she had fallen asleep I get out my phone and tweet

@nickjonas should I be worried I'm on a plane my wife's in labour and we don't land for another 3 and a half hours eek

Lexis POV

i wake up when another sharp pain across my stomach

Nick - shhhhh you will be okay bby

"Ahh it hurts

Nick - I know

3 hours later we land I was still in heaps of pain but my water hadn't broken we get off the plane and go to the ambulance

We get to the hospital

Nick - I think I like this place better for you to be in labour

"So do I

Nick - we will have baby soon

Nurse - ah lexi jonas


Nurse - how far apart are your contractions

"Like 3 minutes

Nurse - okay I'll be back in a minute

Nick - wonder what's that about

"Who knows but I want some pain killers

Nurse - okay so we're going to have to take you in to theatre for emergency c-section

"Whys that

Nurse - with your contractions baby should be here now and your water hasn't broken

"Oh okay does that mean I get more pain relief

Nurse - of course

She takes me down the hall to the theatre room nick came with me and set up my c- section

Nick held my hand and I felt heaps of pressure on my stomach then a cry filled the room

Nurse - congratulations on your little girl

The nurse handed her to nick while they stitched up my stomach then wheeled me to our room

Nick handed her to me

Nick - look at the adorable baby we made

"She is gorgeous

Nick - how are you feeling

"My stomach really hurts but I'll be fine

Nick - you know we don't have a name for her yet

"How about

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