«Chapter Five»

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Today had been a good day. Ashton was smiling and bright when I walked him to class that morning. It was all going so good, he had been yellow all week and I couldn't be happier.

I guess I shouldn't have ruined it.

"Ash do you want to come over to my house after school?" I asked suddenly, making him look at me with wide eyes.

"I mean we hang out at school a lot but never outside of it and I don't know...I just want to spend more time with you." I rambled when he still didn't do anything. "I mean if you don't-"

He put his hand on top of mine gently, stopping my rambling. I looked up at him shyly, only to see he was smiling. He nodded and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Right, cool. Okay so do you just wanna meet me-" I was cut off again, though this time not by Ashton.

Someone threw their arm around my shoulder and sat down next to me. I looked over, only to sigh.

"Luke, you haven't talked to us in weeks, whats going on? I miss you." Arzaylea pouted and I couldn't help but compare her to Ashton. Her pout just wasn't as cute as his. Lately all I did was think about Ashton.

"Yeah, well thats because I've been with Ashton." I said and she frowned.

"Who?" I glared at her and turned just slightly to see Ashton's smile diminish as he shrunk down in his seat slightly. That pissed me off.

"My friend Ashton." I gestured to Ashton and she turned to look at him, a raised eyebrow and small smile on her face. "Now if you could just go away, that would be great."

She ignored me and smiled sweetly at Ashton. "Its nice to meet you Alec."

"Its Ashton." I corrected but she still ignored me.

"Thanks for keeping my boyfriend company but I think its time he hangs out with his real friends."

Ashton's mouth opened in shock just slightly before he looked between me and her. I could see the wheels turning in his head but before I could say anything he had jumped up and left the cafeteria.

"Ashton!" I yelled after him but he didn't stop.

I turned to Arzaylea with a glare. "What the hell is your problem? We aren't even dating, why did you lie?"

She flicked her hair back, making me roll my eyes. "Because you should be hanging out with us, not losers like him." I glared at her and got up from the table.

"You. Are. Not. My. Friend. And never have been. Leave me alone and don't ever talk to me or Ashton again, got it?"

Before she could say anything else I rushed off to go and find Ashton, which wasn't that hard. He was by the library, just sitting outside the doors.

"Hey Ash, I'm sorry about her. She doesn't know what shes talking about." He didn't say anything, he didn't even look up at me.

"Ash?" I ask timidly and he finally looks up at me but he doesn't smile like he usually does when he sees me. "Can I sit with you?" I ask and he just shrugs. I sit down next to him, close enough that our legs touch just slightly.

Its silent for a while until the bell finally rings, I didn't know what to say. He starts getting up but before he can leave I touch his arm gently.

"We're still on for today, right?" I ask but he just shrugs before slowly shaking his head.

"Are you busy?" I ask, though I already know that hes not.

He takes the excuse and only hesitates for a couple seconds before nodding. He walks away quickly and I try not to get hurt over it all.

Yellow. His nails were yellow.

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