Sparkle Sparkle

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        You couldn't stop the irritated groan from leaving your lips even if you wanted to. Which, you didn't. When you had gotten to your classes finally, you found your friends sitting there, laughing their asses off as you walked in. You had found out that they called your mom, not because they were worried. Oh on, because that would have been the nice thing to do. They had called her as a prank, hoping that you would have been in your humanities class and had forgoten to turn your phone onto silence, like you so often did. Jackasses.

        Oh, but it gets even better. Apparently after you had hung up with your mom, she called your friends back to tell them where you were, and what you were doing. But your friends didn't hear 'what', they heard a 'who'. They knew how rare it was for you to 'get some', and how long it's been, so they decided to ask you what they had deemed to be 'key questions.'

        'How are your hips doing,' asked one, with a shit eating grin.

        'Was he a beast,' asked another, batting her eyelashes.

        'How big was his-'

        OK yeah, you get the idea. They made your day hell just to get a few cheap laughs. But just you wait, you'll get your revenge one way or another. 

        And while we're on the topic of things that make your day a living hell, traffic was defiantly one of them. All the noise, the assholes who act like they're in more of a rush than anyone else, and worst of all.... There was no good music on right now.

        You started to bang your head on the steering wheel, being careful not to honk the horn. All you wanted to do was get home, eat some food, and go to bed. Was that so much to ask. You didn't think so, but apparently whatever higher power was running the show thought it was. (Mwahahahaha)

        You looked up, back at the road, and saw that the car in front of you hadn't moved. But all of the cars in front of him had......THAT SORRY SON OF A-


        You looked at the car behind you and glared. This bitch was gonna get their ass kicked if they did that ag-


        You snapped your head forward, taking in big, deep breaths, and finally saw the car in front of you move forward. That bastard behind you was lucky you were to tired, and too lazy, to actually get out of your car and go kick his ass. Besides, you might get fired from your job or thrown into jail, and that was the last ling you needed right now. 

        You started to drive again, looking at the street name first, and realizing that you were only a block or two away from your apartment complex. You could finally go home and go to bed, and not worry about anything els..... Wait, you left a guy on your coffee table. 

        You took in another deep breath as the garage came into view. You decided to check on the man, and if he wasn't dead, you would just skip dinner and go to bed. If he was dead, well, you knew a few people that could help you out with that.

        Locking your car and going to the door that led to your building, you let out a huge sigh. You slowly opened the door, and looked around for the douche. Not seeing him, you made a run for it, getting to your door in a few seconds. All you had to do now was get into your home before he came out of his.

        You twisted the doorknob, and found it unlocked, which was odd seeing as how you always locked the door behind you. You didn't trust your neighbour not to go in, strip, and lie on your bed naked, waiting for you to get home. The thought made you shudder.

        Walking inside, you set your heavy bag down on the floor and start to rub your shoulder. You need a different and better bag. You kicked off your shoes, before going into the living room and sitting on the couch.

        ......Something was off, but what.

        Looking around the place, you tried to pinpoint what it was. The t.v. was still there, so was the DVD player. The fridge was closed, and the kitchen table empty. In fact, it felt a little to empty in this house. 

        You shrugged before throwing your feet up on the coffee table. And that's when it hit you. The guy wasn't on the coffee table. In fact, you hadn't seen him since you walked in. 

        Jolting up from the couch, you ran to the back of your apartment and started to look for him. But he wasn't there. Not in the bathroom, not in your room, not even hiding in a closet. You rushed back to the living room and looked around trying to find him. That was when you noticed something else.

        In all of your rushing about, you haven't tripped over any haphazardly placed pieces of dirty clothes, or school books. Looking down you could actually see a clean floor.

        Did this guy.... clean your house?

        You looked at the coffee table and saw how it was practically sparkling. The only thing that obscured it was a folded piece of paper.

        Walking over, you picked up the paper and unfolded it.

        'Listen, this doesn't happen often, but as of right now, I owe you one. Call this number (XXX-XXX-XXXX) if you ever need any help, and I'll be there in only a few minutes. Don't waste this on something stupid like, "what's your name," or "how old are you," because if you do I swear to whatever god you believe in, I'll make sure your death is slow and painful.

        P.s. Don't take anymore strangers off the street, you could get yourself killed.'

        ....Well at least he cared about you well being. Now to go to bed. Hey maybe your room sparkled right now too.

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