No Longer Strangers

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"With what," you heard the guy say.

"I've been shot."

"With a gun?"

"No, with a bow and arrow. Of course it was a gun!!!"

"Where were you hit?"

"In the leg. I haven't had time to look yet, so could you maybe get here fast before I possibly bleed out."

You heard a sigh from the other end.

"Let me get my stuff, and I'll be there in a few minutes. Where are you though?"

"OK, I don't think you understand how bad this is right now. I have been shot in the leg and can not identify where. For all I know the bullet could have severed-"

"Your femoral artery. Yes I know about that possibility, but I also know that if it it had been cut or severed you most likely would already be dead. Besides, I have to walk, so give me a few minutes to get there, and tell me where I'm heading."

As he said this, you couldn't help but to pout a little bit. He was right ,and you knew it.

"The parking garage I found you in. And you better hurry, cause if I bleed out-"

"You should stop worrying about bleeding out, and start worrying about the possibility of that bullet being lodged in a bone. We would have to take you into the E.R. then for them to remove it."

There was a pause in talking, but you could hear some shuffling on the other side.

"Why didn't you just call an ambulance in the first place?"

You stiffened up at that question.

"Umm, well you see... it's a funny story....the thing is," you stopped before letting out a sigh of defeat. "My pride wouldn't let me do it."

After you had said that, all that was heard from the other end of the line was silence. It went on for so long that you actually pulled the phone away from your ear to make sure that the call hadn't dropped. After seeing that you were still on the phone with this guy, you put the device back up to your ear.

"Hello," you asked, confused.

"Of all the stupid things I've heard that one takes the cake."

"Oh, be quiet you. Besides you were shot and didn't call an ambulance."

"That was different. I couldn't call one."

"Uh-hu. And why was that," you asked as you sassily crossed your arms.

"I can't tell you why right now. And even if I could, I probably wouldn't."

".... That's not nice."

"I'm not nice. Now, I'm almost there. What floor are you on."

"I'm on the third one. Next to the really old and beat up car."

"So that was yours. Makes sense."

"HEY!!! What's that supposed to mean!?!?!"

"It means that I'm not surprised a stupid person like you owns such a vehicle," you jumped as you heard the words coming from right next to you. Looking up, you saw the guy in the hoodie sporting the same blue mask as before. In his hands was a red medical bag.

"Holy shit, when did you get here," you exclaimed.

"Just now," he said hanging up and pocketing his phone. He knelt down besides you. "What leg."

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