Who You Gonna Call...

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(Quick disclaimer, this chapter has topics that some might be sensitive to. Nothing like suicide, or self harm. I don't want to reveal what it is, but I'll bold out the first and last sentence in case you don't want to read it.)

It had been a few months since you helped that one guy. And in all honesty, you kinda forgot that he even excised. It wasn't on purpose or anything like that. It's just that you became swamped with a bunch of work not even a day after he left. That and your friends attacked you with a last minute vacation for your school break.

So yeah, you don't really remember the guy. And now your break was over and you had to get back to school. Great.

Sighing loudly, you got out of your old beat up car, and started to head for your first class. You weren't able to get very far till one of your friends found you.

"Hey, how have you been. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever and a half."

".......We were just on a vacation together, you do realize that right?"

"Well no duh silly. But you barley did anything while we were there."

"Sleeping is something."

"Not something fun."

OK, this was getting annoying.

"What do you want?"

Your friend started to get nervous.

"W-what do I want? Don't be silly, I just want to hang out with my friend."

"Not buying it."

A sigh came from them.

"Fine, here's the deal. My cousin has been doing some... let's call it boxing, and he's gotten pretty beat up and needs someone to patch him up every once in awhile. And I knew how much you like helping people soooo...."

"PLEASE, don't tell me you gave him my address."

"What, psh, no, no.... I might have told him where you work though."


"Ohh, be quiet. He's the hot one."

"I don't care if he's the god of sexy, telling him where I work is not OK."

"Come on, don't you owe me one or something."

"No, it's the other way around. And now you will owe me twice as much."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So will you help him."

You grunted in response.

"Thank you. You're the best."

"So, what class do yo-"

Your friend was cut off as loud bangs rang out through the air.


You grabbed your friend and shoved them to the ground.

"Stay down, don't stand up to run, and start crawling away from the noise."

"W-what was that," your friend asked with a quivering voice.

"Gun shots, stay low, and get as many people out as you can OK."

"W-what about you?"

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