Part 1/2 Section 2

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Also, Some parts will be shorter than others. Like, some will only be a paragraph or two long.

A few days later, Russia was on a rare walk around town, his head down and all noise blocked out. He was aware of everybody backing away, or staring as he walked past. But by now, he's learned to ignore it. It still bothers him, to an extent.

There was an obnoxious nagging outside his walls, though, so he looked up. It was America again. "Hey!" He was shouting, trying to get Russia's attention. "Dude, I've been trying to get your attention for like, 10 minutes!" Russia shrugs.

"Sorry." Russia says. "What's up with you? Where's your smile?" America asks. Russia's eyes widen; he noticed that? Russia shrugs again. "I don't know. It ran away." Russia says. "And, you can't apologize! That's what I, the hero, am here to do!" America says. Russia stops mid step.

"To apologize?" Russia asks, surprised. "What for?" America looks at Russia with a small smile. "For the incident at the world meeting, of course!"

Russia blinks. "Oh, yeah. It's okay, that's normal. I'm a scary kind of guy, you know?" Russia adds to himself, Not that I try to be. America laughs. "You aren't wrong, there, dude! People are terrified of you!" Russia nods. "I am aware of this." He says, almost sadly.

"Hey," America says. "How about you and I go grab a drink?" Russia looks up, tempted, but shakes his head. "Sorry, but no. I don't do well in crowds." The American looks disappointed, before he gets another idea. "Then we can go to my house!"

Russia sighs, nodding. "Okay, I'll go." America fist-pumps the air, and leads Russia to his home, which actually appears to be an apartment. As the two countries reach America's residence, America looks to Russia. "I hope you're okay with England being here, dude. I didn't know I'd see you today, otherwise I would have told Arthur to wait for me at his house."

Russia feels some sort of strange emotion strike through him. Fear, maybe? He laughs at himself. He strikes fear, he doesn't feel such. Does he? Russia nods a little. "That's okay." America smiles widely, "Great!"

America opens the door to his apartment room, England greeting him with a slight raise of his tea cup. "Oi, you didn't tell me you were bringing somebody else, you twit." England looks at Russia, nothing but annoyance evident in his eyes.

"Haha, yeah. Sorry about that, dude! I just found Russia while coming back, and he looked pretty lonely. I hope you don't mind." America rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. England sighs a bit. "Whatever."

America smiles again, "Great!" He says, leading Russia to sit with England and himself. Russia smiles a little, finally. "So," America says. "How is everyone today?"

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